22 January, 2025

Are You a Level 5 Multiplying Church?

by | 3 March, 2016 | 0 comments

By Michael C. Mack

A number of behaviors (and corresponding behavioral types) affect a church”s capability for multiplying. In Becoming a Level Five Multiplying Church, Exponential director Todd Wilson and Community Christian Church lead pastor Dave Ferguson define five specific levels of multiplying churches, with Level 5 being the most aggressive.

“Regardless of church size, growth rate (positive or negative) or behavioral type,” the authors say, “all churches will exhibit behaviors from all five levels; however, we can begin to define a primary level and create profiles for each of the five behavioral types.” Surprisingly, most large churches are Level 3 multiplying churches. These churches may be adding new members, which is good, but they may be stuck in regard to multiplying.

03_BP_5Leader-book_JNWilson and Ferguson maintain that all churches””regardless of whether they are currently at Level 1, 2, 3, or 4″”were made to be Level 5 multiplying churches. The bottom line, the authors say, is that churches rethink the operating system that”s producing growth but not producing multiplication””and aim for more healthy kingdom growth that”s focused on multiplication. Through Exponential, the authors strive to champion multiplication and equip churches to move beyond the prevailing addition-growth scorecards.

In Becoming a Level Five Multiplying Church, the authors describe in detail nine types of behaviors that lead to church multiplication. Here are the first three:

1. Multiplying churches have a scorecard focused as much on starting new churches as on adding new members.

2. Multiplying churches give their firstfruits to church planting, including at least the first 10 percent of their tithes and offerings.

3. Multiplying church leaders have a specific vision and strategy for multiplication, including accountability measures for monitoring progress.

The book is a free download for Exponential members (membership is also free). Go to www.exponential.org for more information and to download the book.

Michael C. Mack

Michael C. Mack is editor of Christian Standard. He has served in churches in Ohio, Indiana, Idaho, and Kentucky. He has written more than 25 books and discussion guides as well as hundreds of magazine, newspaper, and web-based articles.



  1. New To Five - Passion for Planting - […] the recently released eBook New To Five, Ralph Moore presents his insights on how to start a Level 5 Multiplying church.…

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