12 January, 2025

5 Ways to Serve Moms & the Unborn

by | 5 January, 2017 | 0 comments

By Michael C. Mack

Sunday, January 15, is National Sanctity of Human Life Sunday. Here are five ways to serve moms and the unborn:

Waiting for pregnancy test outcome1. Pray.

“Men may spurn our appeals, reject our message, oppose our arguments, despise our persons, but they are helpless against our prayers.” “”J. Sidlow Baxter

“¢Â Pray that women who have suffered abortion will come in contact with people who understand their pain and are able to minister forgiveness and healing.

“¢Â Pray that churches and individual Christians will take a stand on this issue.

“¢Â Pray for repentance for our nation.

“¢Â Pray we will be committed to prayer and action, including reaching out to those in need.

“¢Â Pray our government leaders will recognize they are appointed by God to represent him in government.

“¢Â Pray that Christian doctors, nurses, and other medical professionals will stand for life.

“¢Â Pray for doctors and medical professionals who are pro-abortion, asking that they will come to repentance.

“¢Â Pray for moms and dads who are contemplating abortion today. Pray they will understand that children are a gift from God, that God has a purpose for their child, and that help is available.

“¢Â Pray that babies will be saved from death today.

“¢Â Pray for pro-life organizations, pregnancy centers, and telephone hotlines””that the Lord would provide for them financially, they would overflow with volunteers, and there would be a pro-life pregnancy center in every town.

2. Support or volunteer at a Christian crisis pregnancy center.

Christian crisis pregnancy centers seek to empower women and families through pregnancy diagnosis, decision support, and sexual health education by providing compassionate medical, emotional, and long-term care that specializes in hope, healing, and recovery. As a church or individual, consider partnering with a crisis pregnancy center in your area.

3. Educate yourself.

“¢Â Read Answering the Call, John Ensor”s invaluable resource that clearly lays out a blueprint for the life-affirming Christian response to the abortion issue.

“¢Â Familiarize yourself and read pro-life websites such as National Right to Life (www.nrlc.org). A list of state affiliates is available at this site.

4. Get involved in politics/activism.

Getting involved in pro-life politics/activism can be a “sticky wicket” for some Christians. The Equal Rights Institute (http://equalrightsinstitute.com) addresses this issue well and helps Christians think through how to graciously love others while still defending the rights of the unborn.

5. Provide post-abortion help and healing to your church body.

Thirty percent of women in U.S. Evangelical churches have had abortions, according to multiple research studies. So it is naïve to assume that no one in your congregation has had an abortion. The effects of abortion on women can last a lifetime. We must provide resources to minister to them:

“¢Â Healing Hearts Ministries International provides support and promotes healing for individuals who have experienced an abortion. For more information, go to www.healinghearts.org.

“¢Â Attend a Rachel”s Vineyard weekend for healing after abortion; these are offered throughout the year in locations across the United States and Canada, and around the world (www.rachelsvineyard.org).

Michael C. Mack

Michael C. Mack is editor of Christian Standard. He has served in churches in Ohio, Indiana, Idaho, and Kentucky. He has written more than 25 books and discussion guides as well as hundreds of magazine, newspaper, and web-based articles.


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