11 March, 2025


by | 27 January, 2017 | 0 comments

By Ronald G. Davis

Sunday again. One hundred sixty-eight hours have passed, and now we are here again. How feebly we apply markers to the times of our lives. Yet we are creatures of time, having been destined to be born into time, to suffer all the joys and vicissitudes time offers, to die and find an end to time.

Here, at this table, week after week, we assemble to remember that Timeless once entered into time. The Timeless One took on the weaknesses of time, so that he could save us from the inherent weaknesses of being creatures of time. A glimpse of the eternal he offers.

As the Spirit spoke through Paul, “But when the set time had fully come, God sent his Son, born of a woman, born under the law, to redeem those under the law, that we might receive adoption to sonship” (Galatians 4:4, 5). And in that adoption we have a taste of timelessness! When we see God”s Son, whose essence is timelessness, willingly take on the restraints of time””in flesh and blood, capable of being born, of living (albeit for only 30 years) and dying””we are overwhelmed by his humiliation. He submitted to time for our benefit, so that we might come to timelessness with him and the Father, forever and ever, Amen.

The elements of this table are products of time: grain grown up from seed, harvested, refined, and made into bread; and grape juice, fruit ripened on old vines planted in the past and now bearing. They are products whose time is coming to an end in our consumption. Yet they represent the Timeless One, Creator of time and all that has and will exist within it.

Now, in this moment in time””at this very hour, this very minute“”we have come to meet Timeless, to honor his incarnation into time, to honor his death from time, and, yes, to marvel at his return to Timeless at his resurrection and ascension. Creatures of Time, meet Timeless, here at his table both to honor his time, “born of a woman,” and his timelessness, Everlasting Son of God.


Ron Davis is a retired teacher and active member of LifeSpring Christian Church in Cincinnati, Ohio, where he is privileged to lead Communion meditations regularly.



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