By Michael C. Mack
Spending time with God is your priority as a leader. But it doesn”t just happen. Use the following strategy questions to help you plan a time of solitude with God:
How often will I get away alone with God? (Weekly, monthly, quarterly, annually?)
How long will I spend alone with God?
When will I get away to be alone with God? (Be specific!)
Where will I go?
What provisions do I need to make for getting away? (Asking for permission, lining up childcare, making financial arrangements, lining up a place to stay, etc.)
On my getaways I take only a few essentials: my Bible, a small notepad and pen, and some water and light snacks.
I do not take any other books or devices besides my cell phone, and I take it only to make emergency calls. I also tell my wife where I”ll be and I utilize a tracking device on my phone””just in case.
These times are refreshing to my soul, they remind me of the calling God has placed on my life, and they revive me for the ministry God has called me to do.
“”Excerpted from World”s Greatest Small Group by Michael C. Mack (