(This article is a sidebar to “Grandparenting Ministry” by Michael Crosley.)
By Michael Crosley
We have a core team of nine grandparents guiding the ministry and working closely with the Next Gen Ministry team.
1. Developing strategies to incorporate the concepts of intentional grandparenting into the thinking of our church. This will be achieved through using social media and regular references about grandparenting in church publications and services.
2. Providing equipping opportunities such as classes and occasional seminars.
3. Sponsoring “grand events.” We plan to have two or three special events each year just for grandparents and their grandchildren. In the near future we hope to have four- or five-day camps for grandparents and their grandchildren.
4. Surrogate grandparents. We have a number of children who either do not have grandparents or are living far away from them. We plan to match those children with volunteers who will serve as surrogate grandparents.
Is your church looking for a secret weapon in the struggle to effectively disciple children and youth? Consider unleashing your grandparents.
If you want to know more about the growing movement toward intentional grandparenting, check out these resources:
Biblical Grandparenting by Josh Mulvihill (atFamily: 2016); available at amazon.com.
The Christian Grandparenting Network, www.christiangrandparenting.net.
The Legacy Coalition, legacycoalition.com.
Michael Crosley retired after serving 10 years as founder and executive director of LifeBridge Community in Indianapolis, Indiana, an organization that provides services to at-risk children and families.