12 March, 2025

Memory Is Essential

by | 28 December, 2017 | 0 comments

By Jim Nieman

The end of the year is when people typically look back with fondness, regret, happiness, or mournfulness the events and changes that have taken place in their lives during the past 12 months.

But imagine we had no memories at all.

What would we talk about? What basis would we have for making decisions? We would be adrift, vulnerable, and unable to learn from past successes or mistakes.

Memory is essential. Without it, life is empty and living can be dangerous.

Jesus held up a piece of broken bread and said, “”˜This is my body given for you; do this in remembrance of me.” . . . After the supper he took the cup, saying, “˜This cup is the new covenant in my blood, which is poured out for you”” (Luke 22:19, 20).

Jesus wants us to remember his life and his sacrifice, and the meaning of it all through this simple ceremony””the Lord”s Supper. He wants never to be forgotten. He wants this service never to be ordinary.

The Lord”s Supper helps protect us, direct us, and live life to the fullest.

How could we worship without remembering Jesus? How could we live life if we could not call on his name?

How could we pray if we forgot what God has done for us through Jesus?

How could we find our way home if we lost all reference to Jesus” sacrifice?

This pattern””this special time””helps us to remember.

Jim Nieman serves as managing editor of Christian Standard.


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