7 February, 2025

Personal Milestones and Honors

by | 29 March, 2018

Jean and Lloyd Strickland, who have served in ministry in and around Clearwater, BC, Canada, for more than 50 years, were honored as Clearwater’s Citizens of the Year by the Clearwater and District Chamber of Commerce on March 23. The Stricklands went to Clearwater after graduation from Ozark Bible College (now Ozark Christian College), Joplin, MO; he was commissioned and supported by his home church, First Christian (now called LifeBridge Christian), Longmont, CO. They began their ministry with Clearwater Christian Church in 1965 and served there until retirement in 2015. In addition to work with multisite ministries in the North Thompson Valley region, over the years (at various times), he served as a volunteer firefighter, ambulance paramedic, counselor dealing with traumatic events, prison chaplain (Bear Creek Correction Centre), and performed well over 450 weddings and a similar number of funerals.

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