12 March, 2025

Value Statement

by | 7 August, 2018 | 0 comments

By Joe Harvey

Some people are collectors, some are not. Some folks consider themselves too practical to spend time building a collection of coins, cards, stamps, or other treasures. If they don’t have a practical use for something, they sell it, donate it, or throw it away.

Noncollectors just don’t understand the remarkable prices people pay for collectibles—like baseball cards. A Babe Ruth card from 1914 is reportedly worth $517,000. Another baseball card, featuring Hall of Famer Honus Wagner, is worth $2.8 million.

People say collectibles can be valuable if they are rare, in demand, authentic, and in mint condition. At the end of the day, though, it all comes down to what a person is willing to pay for an item. It’s very subjective.

As we partake in Communion each week, we are reminded that God was making a value statement by sending his Son to die for us. Remarkably, God sees us as having unimaginable worth. He could look at our sins and consider us disposable, but he chooses to redeem us. We do not deserve it and cannot earn it, but we are worth it to him. It is amazing grace!

As we hold the small cup of juice and tiny piece of bread, we remember the words of Jesus: “This is my body” and “this is my blood” poured out for you. As we eat and drink, we try to internalize the truth that “God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life” (John 3:16). Communion calls us back to the love of God and tells us what he thinks of us. We are valuable in his eyes.

We might question his judgment. We might feel like he would like us less if he knew us better. Then, we realize how wondrous it is that the one who knows us best, loves us most.

Joe Harvey is an adjunct professor at Johnson University and the road manager for singer and songwriter Mandy Harvey. Joe and his wife, Valerie, live in St. Cloud, Florida.


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