10 March, 2025

The Eyes of Jesus

by | 23 October, 2018 | 0 comments

By Tom Claibourne

Jesus’ eyes must have been quite similar to ours, but he didn’t always look at things the way we do. He saw things from an eternal perspective.

Therefore, when Jesus walked out of Nazareth to begin his ministry, his eyes saw things we usually do not see. He saw the spiritual battle that rages between God’s angelic hosts and Satan’s demonic forces. He saw beyond the surface. Jesus saw people’s hearts, along with their needs and potential.

When others saw filthy, sinful women (Luke 7; John 4 and 8), Jesus saw women who had taken some wrong turns in life who needed grace and guidance. He lovingly called them to repentance.

When others saw a brash, wealthy young man (Mark 10), Jesus saw a man who could be greatly used by God if he rearranged his priorities. Mark 10:21 records that “Jesus looked at him and loved him.”

When other people looked at Simon Peter, they saw a mouthy fisherman, but Jesus saw a man who could become a “rock” (John 1:41, 42).

At his last Passover supper, Jesus looked at the simple bread and wine and saw a representation of his own sacrificial death less than 24 hours later.

His eyes looked with pity, conviction, and compassion on those who played a part in his arrest, abuse, and excruciating death—Judas, the soldiers, Pilate, the fickle crowd, even the hypocritical religious leaders. His eyes were filled with disappointment when he looked into Peter’s tearful eyes following the three denials.

His eyes were filled with tenderness as he looked down from the cross at his mother and his friend John.

Still, Jesus’ eyes saw far beyond the darkness of Calvary to what his death and resurrection would accomplish for those who choose to see things his way and follow him. As one song expresses it, “When he was on the cross, we were on his mind.” Jesus saw us, and he still died for us!

What do you see at the table of remembrance, and what will you do? “Let us fix our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter of our faith, who for the joy set before him endured the cross, scorning its shame, and sat down at the right hand of the throne of God” (Hebrews 12:2).


Tom Claibourne serves as preaching minister with the Bethlehem Church of Christ near Winchester, Ohio.


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