10 March, 2025

Count Your Many Blessings

by | 13 November, 2018 | 0 comments

By Lena Wood

When asked what we’re thankful for, we usually start off with God, country, and family, then go on to things of less and less significance. Today, though, let’s start at the bottom, with the seemingly insignificant things, like . . . the color of the sky at sunrise, the sound of birds settling in for the night, the softness of a blanket.

Look around. Are you wearing comfortable shoes? Do you have a little cash in your wallet? Are your friends and family here? Is there a roof over your head?

Look within, to things you rarely give a second thought. Do your toes work? Do you have eyebrows that keep sweat from running into your eyes? Can you turn your head from side to side? Do you have beautiful memories stored in your brain?

So many things. So many, many things. There is no end to the extravagance of our God.

In a moment we’ll partake of a tiny piece of food and a little sip of juice: the bread and the wine. Two of the smallest things you may consider. But what a large feast! With this brief ceremony—sharing those tiny bits together and considering our souls—comes a deep understanding of the greatest things: forgiveness, peace, renewal, community, spiritual refreshment. And more: the love of our Father, the sacrifice of his Son, the gift of his Spirit. So many things . . .

Paul wrote: “For as often as you eat this bread and drink this cup, you proclaim the Lord’s death until he comes” (1 Corinthians 11:26, English Standard Version).

As you consider this tiny meal, don’t miss the eternal promise that comes with it: Our Creator is counting down the days until he will take us home to a new heaven and earth. No more death or pain.

A mini-meal reminds us of enormous blessings and fills us with eternity’s hope. As you meditate on Jesus’ death, take a few seconds to keep examining your life and the countless small things that enrich it: carpet, towels, laughter, a good book, a tank of gas. . . . Thank him. Thank him. Thank him.

He pours life into us and blessings upon us.  

Lena Wood is the author of the “Elijah Creek & the Armor of God” series. Volumes I and II are available at www.BraughlerBooks.com.


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