7 February, 2025

One Thing

by | 29 January, 2019 | 0 comments

By L. Mackenzie

As Jesus started on his way, a man ran up to him and fell on his knees before him. “Good teacher,” he asked, “what must I do to inherit eternal life?” (Mark 10:17).

Jesus commented that only God is good and then recited several commandments, to which the man replied, “All these I have kept since I was a boy” (v. 20). Jesus told that “rich young ruler” he still lacked one thing if he wanted a heavenly inheritance.

Darn, that one thing! And it was a big thing. The man knew it.

Romans 3 says no one is righteous; all have turned away from God. All of us have at least one thing.

Jesus sees our good works, no doubt, but he also sees the sin in all of us. And just as Peter fell before Jesus in full recognition of his own sinfulness (Luke 5:8), we all should prostrate ourselves, cut to the heart by the person and perfection of Christ.

Jesus knows we are sinners condemned to Hell. He knows there is no good thing that resides in us besides the Holy Spirit. No good work could ever make us right with God and free us from the penalty of sin, which is death and eternal separation from God and all that is good.

And yet Jesus loved us all enough to be tortured and crucified for us. He rose again on the third day to give us victory.

When we take Communion, we remember the love that poured forth from Christ at Calvary. Examine yourself before partaking of the bread and the juice. Remember the body he gave and the blood he shed for us, and ask yourself: What is my one thing?

Repent and turn away from your sin. Receive forgiveness that is yours because of the cross and resurrection and Jesus’ absolute love for you! Go forth and serve his kingdom.


Leigh Mackenzie serves as ministry assistant at The Crossing, a multisite church located in three states across the Midwest, and is a writer who blogs at The Church Girl Writes: Jesus in Everything (leighmackenzie.com).


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