13 March, 2025

Presidents’ Day

by | 12 February, 2019 | 1 comment

By Ronald G. Davis 

The presidents of the United States of America have represented the best among us. And the worst. For every president—whether moral, immoral, or amoral—has sinned. None has been perfect in policy nor in person. The wisest and the most foolish, the politest and the rudest, the honorable and the dishonorable, all are sinners. Oh, many have been men of prayer and public worship, but none has been the perfect example of righteousness and noble behavior.

It is appropriate that we express honor to those to whom honor is due. Peter spoke for the Spirit when he commanded us to do so (1 Peter 2:13-17). Now when Peter spoke, the king who came to mind first was one of the cruelest, most lascivious, most frivolous and anti-goodness individuals ever to lead a nation.

But at this table we come to honor the president of our souls. He deserves our submission because of who he is, not simply the position he holds. And we “elected” him to be president of our souls the day we confessed our sins and began our submission to his lordship in baptism.

As we ponder the history of our nation and its presidential leaders, there are hard memories of wars and poverty and natural disasters. Yet, we have seen our presidents rise to moments of personal determination to do the right thing.

As we here ponder the one who is the head of the church, its president as it were, we come to honor him with our memories. Hard memories of our personal sins, hard memories of the cruel death he died on our behalf. Yet, we are here to rejoice. Rejoice, for sins forgiven. Rejoice, for we saw him rise to the obedience of the cross. And we saw him rise above death itself. Rejoice! His resurrection gives us hope.

We give thanks and praise for the wisdom the Lord has shown, for instituting human government, for providing the King of our lives, and for these simple emblems we partake.

Ron Davis is a retired teacher and active member of LifeSpring Christian Church in Cincinnati, Ohio, where he is privileged to lead Communion meditations regularly.

1 Comment

  1. Dave Rosenbaum

    “The president of our souls”? I recall King, Lord, Master, etc. but I must have missed the Scripture reference to president of our souls.

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