27 March, 2025

A Moment

by | 16 July, 2019 | 0 comments

By Stuart Powell

By definition, a moment is a very short span of time.

The swing of a pendulum,
a breath,
a sigh,
a yawn,
a statement;
all of them take only a moment.

We often dismiss the moments of life as insignificant events. But sometimes such dismissals trivialize the impact those moments can have on our lives.

_ _ _

A lot can happen in one moment.

There was a moment when perfection and beauty were crippled by an act of pride and selfishness.

It was the moment Eve stretched out her hand to receive the forbidden fruit.

In a moment, the innocence of humanity was stripped away, leaving behind the shame of sin.

One moment perfection ruled creation. The next moment humanity was separated from the creator God with whom we were intended to eternally dwell.

Two moments separated by the selfish desire of two people.

A great tragedy took place in that moment.

_ _ _

A lot can happen in one moment.

There was a moment when the corruption of sin was crippled by an act of humility and sacrifice.

It was the moment Jesus stretched out his hand to receive the nail.

In a moment, God’s firstborn was stripped of his clothing and hung on a cross, taking away the shame of humanity’s sin.

One moment sin enslaved all people. The next moment humanity faced a path to a reunion with the creator God with whom we were intended to eternally dwell.

Two moments separated by the call of a dying man: “‘It is finished.’ With that, [Jesus] bowed his head and gave up his spirit” (John 19:30).

A great victory took place in that moment.

_ _ _

Take this moment to focus on the latter of those two historic events. Take up the bread and picture the moment when the nail pierced the skin. Drink from the cup and recall the moment that innocent blood ran down a bruised cheek. A lot can happen in one moment, even this one.

Stuart Powell lives outside of Terre Haute, Indiana, where he serves with the North Side Christian Church.

Stuart Powell

Stuart Powell lives outside of Terre Haute, Indiana, where he serves with the North Side Christian Church.


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