27 March, 2025

Church Seeks Help to Fix Road at former Crossroads College Site

by | 2 October, 2019 | 0 comments

Bear Creek Christian Church, Rochester, Minn., is seeking to raise $75,000 in donations to help pay to repair the main road of the church’s campus, which formerly was the home of Crossroads College (known previously as Minnesota Bible College).

“The problem was that this past winter wreaked havoc on our already-deteriorated road,” outreach pastor Jeff Urban told the Post Bulletin. “If we can fundraise $75,000, it will help us avoid borrowing money for this repair and keep us on solid financial footing.” The road repairs had originally been scheduled for 2020.

Bear Creek’s purchase of the campus was finalized in June 2018 and likely prevented developers from buying the 37-acre site and tearing down its apartments and other structures. The church relocated to the site and has been renting the 43 apartments there to lower-income individuals at below-market rates, while leasing various other structures to nonprofits, even as the church does rehab and makes repairs. (See our article “Small Church Takes Big Leap, Buys Crossroads College Site” from September 2018.)

There is a great need for affordable housing in Rochester, and the Coalition for Rochester Affordable Housing has pledged $350,000 to help with critical repairs to apartments at the site, according to KROC News.

Tax-deductible donations may be mailed to Bear Creek Christian Church, 1765 Restoration Rd SW, Rochester, MN 55902.


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