5 February, 2025

Discovery Questions for April 5, 2020

by | 29 March, 2020 | 0 comments

(Click here for a detailed explanation of how to use the Discovery Bible Study.)

By Leigh Mackenzie

Study Questions for Groups

1. In what ways did you see Jesus’ power work in and through you over the past week?

  • What else are you thankful for from the past week?

Ask three people—two readers and one —for their help. Ask the first reader to read John 6:1-15, 25-29 aloud. Then ask the second person to read it again, perhaps from a different version.

Ask the third person to retell (not interpret, just paraphrase) the narrative in about 60 seconds (as if telling the story to a 10-year-old).

2. As this narrative was read and then retold, what parts stood out to you? 

3. How would you characterize the reasons people were following Jesus?

  • What did they want from him?

4. What roles did various people play in the feeding of the 5,000?

5. What do you learn about God’s generosity in this story?

  • What other characteristics of God do you see?

6. What does this passage reveal in general about human nature?

7. Consider an example of a current or past difficult or seemingly impossible life circumstance in which you needed to trust and obey God.

  • What lessons does this passage give you for obeying in that situation?
  • In what ways do Jesus’ words in verse 29 call you to obedience? (Be as specific as possible.

8. Based on this passage and our discussion, complete this sentence: This week, I will . . .  (Encourage people to respond in ways that are simple, concrete, measurable, and timely.)

9. With whom will you share Jesus’ miracle of feeding the crowds this week?

10. What challenges will you be facing this week?

For Next Week: Sometime this week, read and reflect on John 11:17-27, 32-44, as we continue to look at the miracles of Jesus. You can also read next week’s supplemental texts as well as the Study and Application sections in Christian Standard as part of your own personal study. (Again, we won’t read or discuss these extra materials in our group session next week, but they will help you grow in your own faith.)

Michael C. Mack

Michael C. Mack is editor of Christian Standard. He has served in churches in Ohio, Indiana, Idaho, and Kentucky. He has written more than 25 books and discussion guides as well as hundreds of magazine, newspaper, and web-based articles.


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