28 February, 2025

‘The God Who Provides’


by | 15 August, 2020 | 1 comment

What Israel’s Wilderness Wandering Reveals . . . Especially During Challenging Times

By Kevin Dooley

Oh, to have been numbered among the more than 2 million Israelites delivered from captivity in Egypt once the final plague broke Pharaoh’s resolve. What a thrill to have passed on dry ground between the columns of the Red Sea, and then to have witnessed the end of Pharaoh’s might as the waters closed in on his armies (Exodus 15:1-21). The spectacle that was Israel’s deliverance from Egypt and the ensuing 40 years of wandering in the wilderness surely was “breaking news” across every culture and language that touched the Sinai Peninsula.

International trade routes circling the Sinai Peninsula surely buzzed with accounts of Jehovah Jireh’s power and provision. The stories of the Israelites and their God no doubt were translated into every language and shared across maritime and caravan trade routes throughout the Middle East to Persia, and in every port of the Red Sea to the Mediterranean Sea and Indian Ocean.

An Astonishing Story

During the 40 years of the Israelite wanderings, how often did foreign tradesman come running into villages shouting excitedly, “Fire! Fire! There’s fire in the desert”? And how many times, in every town and village, on the outskirts of the wilderness, did innkeepers retell stories of God’s provision for his people? They probably told it so many times they grew tired of telling it.

“Have a seat. Calm down. Everything’s OK. Nothing’s burning up out there. That glow you see on the horizon . . . those are the Israelites worshipping their God.”

“You mean, they worship fire?”

“No, no, not fire. Their God is known by many names. They call him, ‘The God Who Provides.’”

“Provides? How does he do that?”

“Well, you won’t believe it, but I’ll try to explain. You know how cold it gets at night in the desert? Well, their God places a pillar of fire in their midst! It protects them and guides them, all while keeping away the chill at night!”

“Really? How can that be? That fiery pillar is unbelievable!”

“And do you know how hot it gets during the day? Their God sends a dark cloud by day to shelter them from the sun and to guide them on their journey and offer a cool breeze on their way. This has been going on for 20-, 30-plus years.”

“But, but, what do they eat? If they’ve been wandering in the desert like this for decades now, and food is scarce . . . how do they feed so many people?”

“Well, some people find this part even stranger, but . . . their God sends them fresh bread from heaven every day!”

“No way!”

“Yes! I’ve seen it myself!”

“Fresh bread? . . . In the wilderness? . . . Every day?”

“Yes, and meat!”

“From heaven too?”

“Yes, their God sends quail and they eat their fill.”

“This is impossible. It’s really hard to believe. . . . I’ve got to ask, what do they drink? I can’t carry enough water for me and my animals to quench our thirst for a day traveling on the outskirts of the desert! Where do they find water for more than 2 million people in the middle of the wilderness?”

“Well, I’ll tell you—now brace yourself—they get their water from a rock! Their leader strikes a rock and their God provides pure, refreshing, thirst-quenching water. It gushes right out of a rock!”

“No! Unbelievable!

“I’m not kidding. it’s real, I’ve seen it. I’ve tasted the water . . . it’s the best I’ve ever had!”

“I’ve got to see this! I bet I could trade with them for their ‘food from heaven’ in exchange for sandals and clothing! I could make a fortune!”

“Not with this group! Their clothes and sandals never wear out and their food from heaven lasts only for the day. Nothing is left over.”

How many times were these stories told in the courtyards and on the rooftops of desert inns among international travelers from across the world? How many of those travelers became more eager than ever to take this news to their tribe?

A Powerful God

For 40 years, God used the Israelites, even in their disobedience and disbelief, to be a beacon of his power to all nations. From parting the Red Sea and breaking their bondage in Egypt to stopping the Jordan river so they could enter the Promised Land—and providing all they needed each day of the 40 years in between—“[God] did this so that all the peoples of the earth might know that the hand of the Lord is powerful” (Joshua 4:24).

Multitudes from among the nations likely saw firsthand the glow in the horizon from the pillar of fire signifying “the hand of the Lord is powerful” in providing for his people. How many of those international tradespeople unrolled their bedrolls at night revealing an image carved from wood or stone and covered in precious metal and asked, “What have you ever provided for me?” And how many of those international influencers gave those worthless idols a toss and began to pursue the one true God, the God of the nations?

A Great Promise

In the midst of challenging times, God is leading, guiding, and sustaining his people while displaying his power over all things and showing his love for all people.

God almost destroyed Israel for their rebellion and turning their backs on him, but Moses prayed and stilled God’s wrath, guarding the Lord’s reputation among the nations (Exodus 32:9-14). Israel was spared so the nations would come to know the one true God and submit to his reign.

In the midst of uncertain times, God has promised his provision and guidance. Still, if you are like me, you may be tempted to doubt God’s love for us and his ability to fulfill his promise during life’s difficulties. But be encouraged and know that God is true to his purpose and to his desire for all nations to know him and to find salvation provided through Jesus Christ our Lord.

Jesus’ last words before his ascension to Heaven were, “Surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age” (Matthew 28:20). A great promise that immediately followed his Great Commission for his disciples to make disciples of all nations. More often than not, it is through some of the worst of times, and through the greatest of human challenges, that the “God who provides” is at work through his body, the church, to be a blessing to lost people everywhere.

Disbelief kept a generation from entering God’s promise, but even through 40 years of wandering in the wilderness, the world was watching as God provided and guided his people. In Psalm 96:10 God’s children are commanded, “Say among the nations, ‘The Lord reigns.’”

We should echo that—“Say among the nations, ‘The Lord reigns,’”especially in challenging times.

Kevin Dooley lives with his wife, Kim, in Avon, Indiana. He is founder and director of Global Hope Initiatives and director of engagement in strategic partnership with Go Ministries. Contact him at [email protected].

(Be sure to read the companion articles: “Wandering Through the Coronavirus Wilderness” by Tom Ellsworth, and “Finally Moving Forward” by Matt Summers with Janice Summers.)

1 Comment

  1. dana

    The Lord reign

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