23 February, 2025

When Opportunity Knocks

by | 1 February, 2021 | 0 comments

I noticed the wicker basket on the floor was adorned with yellow daisies and contained a variety of Bibles and Testaments.

I asked my friends, “Why do you have a basket of Bibles near your front door?”

“I collect those in good condition at garage sales and thrift shops,” Jim said as he opened a Bible. “I mark the Scriptures containing the plan of salvation. Then I write those references on a bookmark and insert it at the first passage.”

“When we have unexpected callers, we always offer them a Bible,” Darlene added.

“There’s a promise from God about the Bibles we give away,” Jim reminded. “Isaiah 55:11 says, ‘My word that goes out from my mouth . . . will not return to me empty, but will accomplish what I desire and achieve the purpose for which I sent it.’”

Their Testaments-to-go reminded me of times when I’ve had unusual opportunities to tell others God loves them and has a wonderful plan for their lives. . . .

My newly installed microwave required two separate service calls in the first six months. Each time the serviceman packed up his manufacturer’s handbook and prepared to leave my kitchen, I provided him a cup of hot coffee. “I’d like to give you a copy of the original manufacturer’s handbook,” I said as I offered each man a blue pocket-sized New Testament.

In both instances, the men thanked me and tucked the book into a uniform pocket.

One fall, we decided to upgrade the insulation of our 30-year-old home. When the two workmen finished adding a layer of new insulation beneath the floor, they emerged from the confined crawl space and removed their disposable coveralls. Before they left, I offered them small New Testaments. “When life seems as dark and gloomy as a crawl space, read these love letters from your Creator. They will bring light into your darkness.”

They smiled and agreed it would be nice to have the little books handy for future reference.

“These new insulated windows will help protect you from winter storms and frigid temperatures,” remarked one of the men who had just replaced our old single-paned windows. With a spritz of window cleaner and a cloth, he removed the last few hand smudges from a pane.

I complimented them on how nice the windows looked, and then I gave each a New Testament. “When the storms of life threaten to overwhelm you, read about the protection God wants to provide you. It’s a lot more effective than storm windows.”

Two more books found welcome pockets.

The home we were updating badly needed new floor coverings. The work crew ripped out the old royal blue rugs and replaced them with new beige plush carpets. As the men prepared to leave, they gathered their tools and surveyed their work. With satisfaction, one man quipped, “May it last forever.”

“It probably won’t,” I said. “But I’d like to give you something that will. The Bible says, ‘God’s word endures forever.’ God is worth getting better acquainted with.”

Each workman took a New Testament.

One day, a speeding car veered off the country road in front of our home and broke my mailbox post. Scared and apologetic, the teenage driver and his passenger offered to return with tools to repair it. The red-faced boys kept their heads bowed. We agreed to their proposal. To their relief, the car suffered minimal damage.

Hoping to comfort them, I said, “With your driving habits, you need to know about the angels God provides to watch over his family. You’ll discover how much God cares for you in this little book. I call it ‘God’s Love Letters.’”

The boys grinned and happily took New Testaments from my hand.

When I ask for help, God provides unexpected openings to tell of his love and provision. Thanks to the example of my friends, I have added a golden wire basket of New Testaments near my front door.

I never know when opportunity will knock.

Marjorie Kruger Gordon

Marjorie Gordon has written dozens of articles encouraging readers for decades. Her reader-friendly book, Jumpstart to Power Prayers, is saturated with Scripture to help others pray with greater power than ever before.


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