Study Questions for Groups
By Michael C. Mack
1. With whom did you share the gospel using the plan you developed from our study last week?
2. What new opportunity or challenge came your way over the past week?
Ask two people to read aloud Galatians 3:23—4:10 one after the other, preferably from different Bible versions. Then ask a third person to briefly summarize the passage.
3. What main point or points is Paul making in this passage?
4. Let’s dig deeper:
• What metaphors did Paul use to explain law (the old covenant) and grace (the new covenant)?
• What contrasts did Paul make in the passage?
• What do those contrasts demonstrate to you?
• Look for any conditional statements (if-then statements, although those exact words may not be used) in this passage. What do they teach you about following Christ?
• What does this passage teach you about unity (oneness) in Christ?
• What kinds of things tend to spiritually enslave people?
• Why would a full heir (adult child) of God, with all the freedom that brings, want to go back to living as if they were not an heir?
5. What do you learn about God (and how you view him) from this passage?
6. What do you learn about other people (and how you view them)?
7. How is obedience as a child different from obedience as a slave?
8. The gospel message is weaved into this passage (see especially verses such as 3:26-27 and 4:4-7). Consider a person you know out of the following groups: an unsaved person, a backslidden person, a legalistic church attender, a prejudiced church attender. What verses from this passage would you share with that person, and how would you initiate the conversation?
9. Based on our study and discussion, complete this sentence: “This week, I will . . .”
10. What dilemma or struggle do you anticipate this week?
For Next Week: Read and reflect on Galatians 4:21—5:15. You can also read next week’s supplemental texts as well as the Study and Application sections as part of your personal study.