5 February, 2025

Oct. 17 | Discovery

by | 11 October, 2021 | 0 comments

Study Questions for Groups

By Michael C. Mack

1. How specifically did you offer encouragement and hope to others last week?

2. In what ways did you receive encouragement over the past week?

Ask two people to read aloud Hebrews 7:11-28 one after the other, preferably from different Bible versions. Then ask a third person to briefly summarize the passage.

3. What main point was the writer communicating in this passage?

4. Let’s dig deeper:

• Melchizedek, whose name means “king of righteousness,” was king of Salem (Salem means “peace”). From these facts and other insights from this passage, in what ways was Melchizedek a type for Christ?

• In this passage, what proofs does the writer provide for why the order of Melchizedek is superior to the order of Aaron (that is, the Levitical priesthood, which represents the Old Covenant law)? (Look for both doctrinal and practical reasonings.)

• What benefits does Jesus’ high priesthood have for his followers?

• Why is it vital that we have a high priest who is eternal and permanent?

5. What do you learn about Jesus’ nature from this passage?  

6. What do you learn about yourself?

7. What reasons does this passage give you to trust and obey Jesus?

8. How would you use this passage to help someone—especially someone who has a law-based belief system and/or a religion that depends on weekly and/or yearly sacrifices to take away sins—put their faith in Christ?

9. Based on our study and discussion, complete this sentence: “This week, I will . . .”

10. What needs do you have today and in the upcoming week?

For Next Week: Read and reflect on Hebrews 8:1–9:10. You can also read next week’s supplemental texts as well as the Study and Application sections as part of your personal study.


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