5 February, 2025

Nov. 14 | Discovery

by | 8 November, 2021 | 0 comments

Study Questions for Groups

By Michael C. Mack

1. How specifically did you encourage others last week (and what impact do you think that made)?

2. What encouragement did you need (and receive) over the past week?

Ask two people to read aloud Hebrews 5:11–6:12 one after the other, preferably from different Bible versions. Then ask a third person to summarize the passage in a minute or less.

3. As you read or listened to this passage, what major theme(s) emerged?

4. Let’s dig deeper:

• Before and after the passage we’re studying today, the writer discussed a theological point about Jesus’ priesthood in the order of Melchizedek being superior to the Aaronic priesthood. How might that explain the aside he took to address concerns about the Hebrews’ maturity?

• Look at the comparisons in this passage (note that some of the comparisons are assumed): learners/teachers, milk/solid food, foundation/house, unproductive land/productive land. What do these comparisons teach you?

• How does raising children from dependent infants to independent adults illustrate our spiritual growth?

• What warnings does the writer give to people who remain in their spiritual immaturity and don’t grow up?

• What encouragement does the writer give to the Hebrew believers who do move forward in spiritual maturity and then also bear fruit?

• What promises do you see for maturing Christ followers?

5. What do you learn about God from this passage?

6. What do you learn about people?

7. What is your next step of obedience in moving forward to spiritual maturity?

8. Hebrews 5:12 says, “You have been believers so long now that you ought to be teaching others” (New Living Translation). In what ways does this spur you on to step up to lead more in this group (or elsewhere) or take a few others with you to start a new group?

9. Based on our study and discussion, complete this sentence: “This week, I will . . .”

10. In what area of your life will you need more faith and/or patience for this week?

For Next Week: Read and reflect on Hebrews 10:19-39 as we continue studying faith in the book of Hebrews. You can also read next week’s supplemental texts as well as the Study and Application sections as part of your personal study.


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