27 March, 2025

Standard Publishing—Still Standing Strong

by | 16 March, 2022 | 16 comments

By Margie Redford

Often when I meet someone I haven’t seen for a while, the conversation goes something like this:

Friend: Are you still working?

Me: Yes. I’m still editing and helping with Standard Publishing’s HeartShaper curriculum.

Friend: Standard Publishing? I didn’t know that even existed anymore.

Me (my stomach muscles tightening, and my heart beating a little faster): Yes. Standard Publishing is still standing strong.

Friend: But it’s not what it used to be, right?

Me (my mind briefly wondering if anything is the same as it used to be): No. It’s not the same, but . . .

And my story begins. Well, it goes on. . . .

_ _ _

Let’s take a moment to think about how most people remember Standard Publishing, which provided curriculum and products that many of us who were raised in Christian churches and churches of Christ grew up with.

The People
In December 1865 a group of leaders met in the home of T.W. Phillips, a well-known businessman from New Castle, Pa. The group included doctors, lawyers, educators, and preachers. They were passionate about teaching the truths of God’s Word. Out of this meeting a publishing association was both formed and funded. The people who became leaders of Standard Publishing in the years that followed are notable and numerous. Isaac Errett, J. D. Murch, C. P. Sharp, and P. H. Welshimer were some of the early publishers and contributors. The employees became a family that supported each other and the company they served.

The Purpose
The purpose of that first meeting was to launch a journal that would focus on New Testament Christianity and its teachings. The journal would unite and give help to leaders of churches that were part of the Restoration Movement (which started in the early 1800s). The first issue of Christian Standard was published on April 7, 1866. The name was inspired by a phrase found in Jeremiah 50:2: “Set up a standard; publish, and conceal not” (King James Version). From this small beginning, Standard Publishing was born, officially incorporated in 1872.

The Products
During the 1870s came Standard’s first published Uniform Lessons for adult Bible study. Girlhood Days and Boy’s Life for children soon followed. As the Sunday school movement grew in America, so did the number of products developed by Standard Publishing. Soon the company offered Sunday school curriculum for all age levels, children through adult. Take-home papers were created to help parents guide their children spiritually. Vacation Bible School programs were planned and published yearly. Training for leaders and teachers came first via a small but important book titled Training for Service. Key to Christian Education magazine, filmstrips, and other resources later added to the training. A line of Christian books (again for all age levels) expanded rapidly. These products had a single purpose: raise a standard and tell the good news of Jesus Christ to people around the world. The watchword that guided everything produced was “True to the Bible!”

_ _ _

So, what happened? What became of Standard Publishing? Let’s examine this through the same three lenses: people, purpose, and products.

The People
Over the years, Standard Publishing (the company) went through a series of sales and acquisitions. From 2015 to 2017, various product lines (including books, stickers, VBS curriculum, and magazines) were purchased by other companies. Many of the products are still being published (including, of course, Christian Standard and +The Lookout Bible study material, which are now owned by Christian Standard Media, a nonprofit entity).

In 2015 David C Cook, a nonprofit Christian publishing organization, acquired Standard Lesson Commentary® and Quarterly adult materials, Sunday school curriculum for children and teens, and other church resources. The company’s brand name was part of the acquisition, thus making Standard Publishing part of the David C Cook family. In 1875 (closely paralleling the beginnings of Standard Publishing) David Caleb Cook, the company’s founder, began publishing lessons and songs for local churches to use in ministering to children. Today David C Cook publishes and distributes leadership, discipleship, and worship resources around the world. David C Cook is a good home for Standard Publishing.

At the time of the acquisition, a number of Standard Publishing employees—including individuals from the leadership team, product development, design, marketing, and sales—were invited to join David C Cook’s ministry. Other Standard employees became freelance contributors in various areas of product development. The employees of Standard Publishing continue to be a supportive family—and some of us are part of the larger David C Cook family too.

The Purpose
The purpose of Standard Publishing is still to produce true-to-the-Bible resources that inspire, educate, and motivate people to love God and his Word. We serve churches affiliated with the Restoration Movement and many other churches whose leaders are looking for solid Bible curriculum. Our message has not changed, just the setting.

The Products
And today’s product lines? Sunday school curriculum for all age levels. Resources that help families grow together in God’s Word. Leader and teacher training. Here are a few specifics:

HeartShaper® Children’s Curriculum. Introduced by Standard Publishing in 2005, HeartShaper’s Sunday school resources still provide Bible lessons for all children, including those with special needs. Take-home papers and online family resources help parents be spiritual leaders for their children. www.HeartShaper.com

Additional children’s curricula include Standard’s 13 Very series (print or digital) and the Route 52 series (digital).

Seen®. When Standard Publishing was purchased by David C Cook, Encounter was the teen curriculum that had served customers for nearly 30 years. Seen is a new curriculum designed to help teens connect with their leaders, with other teens, and with God.

Standard Lesson Commentary® andStandard Lesson Quarterly®. The first Uniform Lesson appeared in Christian Standard in 1873, but it wasn’t until 1954 that this material became an annually bound volume, The Standard Lesson Commentary. Soon this verse-by-verse study of the Scripture became the largest-selling commentary in the world. It continues to be at the top of the best-seller list in Christian resources today. Standard Lesson Commentary and Standard Lesson Quarterly products are available in King James Version and New International Version, large print, and print or digital versions. www.StandardLesson.com

Training for Service. Mentioned earlier, Training for Service was developed to prepare teachers for leading Sunday school. First published in 1907, two years later Training for Service was being used throughout the world. It was translated into Japanese, Spanish, Hindi, and German. Revised and updated several times, Training for Service (leader guide and student book) is still available and sought after as a solid resource for equipping volunteers to teach the Bible.

Do you remember the little red or white flag that appeared on the spine of many Standard Publishing resources and as a part of the Standard Lesson logo? It’s still there! Early in my employment with Standard Publishing (over 30 years ago!), I learned what that flag represents. It is the raised banner, the high standard set in place to “publish, and conceal not” the truths of God’s Word. And while I concede that some things have changed, I love to tell people that Standard Publishing, a part of the David C Cook family, is still standing strong!

Margie Redford has been a children’s curriculum editor for Standard Publishing (now part of the David C Cook family) since September 1991. A graduate of Kentucky Christian University, Margie married Doug Redford in 1976. They have served together in various located ministries since that time—Doug preaching and teaching and Margie working in the areas of children’s and music ministries. Doug and Margie live in Cincinnati, Ohio. They have three children and five grandchildren.

Christian Standard

Contact us at cs@christianstandardmedia.com


  1. David Powell

    Informative. I knew some of the details but many gaps were filled. I am glad that the goal to bring seekers closer to God is still being pursued.

  2. Debby Schmitz

    I grew up on Standard Publishing curriculum. It was enjoyable and interesting to learn some of its history and where the company is at today. Thank you Margie!

  3. God bless all of you! Gerri H.

    Dear Margie, What a wonderful article about the history of Standard Publishing! So glad to hear you’re still in business!! God bless you as you continue to publish…As I worked as a volunteer in the CCU library I came to appreciate Standard’s historic contributions!!

  4. Sharon

    This is helpful information. We are a small church in rural Ontario Canada and we have found, in our stock, an 2002 curriculum – FAITH MOUNTAIN FOR AN EXTREME ADVENTURE WITH JESUS, Standard Publishing. We do not have enough workbooks for the children and are unable to locate them anymore. We need the TEEN workbook and the MIDDLER workbook. Are these still in print? If not, is it possible to be granted permission to make 3 copies of the TEEN and 2 copies of the MIDDLER?

  5. Virgil Layne

    Do you have Bibles in the Chinese Mandarin language?

    Do you have Chinese tracts for sharing the Gospel?

  6. Margaret Steinacker

    Is this Wesleyan theology or Calvinist

  7. Rhoda Hunt

    Is the art of Frances Hook still available to purchase somewhere?

  8. Nina Mestre

    Do you still publish Christian comic books like you did when I was growing up?

  9. Christian Standard

    Unfortunately, Christian Standard no longer publishes Christian comic books.

  10. Garry Christner

    Does anyone still publish your Happy Day Books?

  11. Christian Standard

    To the best of our knowledge, these books are no longer being printed.

  12. Rowland Roberts

    This is very interesting. We are in Southern Africa and have started re-using some materials from the 1980’s. We are using a theme from 1982 called Come Follow Jesus. Has this theme been duplicated with time or is there something similar available for all age groups?

  13. Christian Standard

    Hi Rowland – The Standard Publishing Company, that once published books, Sunday School curriculum, VBS materials, etc., is no longer in existence. Christian Standard Media now publishes the CHRISTIAN STANDARD magazine and offers additional resources of the christianstandard.com website, including Bible Study materials in the “1717 Studies” tab on the website. There are discussions about the possibilities of offering additional materials, but the materials you’ve asked about are currently not available through Christian Standard Media.

  14. Nancy Hatlevig

    We have two Picture Rolls – from Standard Publishing. Several beautiful, large paintings of Bible
    accounts with the scriptures under the pictures. Artist names vary – Woodward, Plockhorst, and
    others. They are old and used, a lady in our church bought them at a garage sale.

    Just curious if they are of any value as collector items, – I have used them a few times for our daycare children to
    see Jesus. The paintings are awesome.

  15. Christian Standard

    Hi Nancy – We are happy to hear that you have obtained these pictures and you’re able to use them with your daycare children. A use such as yours may be more valuable than anything you could gain monetarily. Unfortunately, we are unaware of any value that might otherwise be ascribed to these treasures. Our hope is that you’ll continue to use them to help train the children in your care to know Jesus.

  16. Ruth Norbeck





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