5 February, 2025

April 24 | Discovery

by | 18 April, 2022 | 0 comments

Study Questions for Groups

By Michael C. Mack

1. What circumstances did you face last week for which you needed God’s power? How did that go?

2. With whom did you start a discussion about the fact that Jesus was crucified and on the third day was raised again last week?  

Ask two people to read aloud Luke 13:10-17; 14:1-6 one after the other, preferably from different Bible versions. Then ask a third person to retell the passages in their own words in a minute or less.

3. What contrasts between people’s actions and reactions do you see in these passages?

4. Let’s dig deeper:

• Describe the woman’s experience during the 18 years of her infirmity.

• What would being “set free” mean for her?

• How would you characterize the synagogue leader’s reaction to Jesus’ healing of the woman?

• How would you characterize the reaction of the Pharisees and teachers of the law to Jesus’ healing of the man?

• How would Jesus’ masterful use of logic (13:15-16; 14:5) help his audience understand his point (that is, the value he wanted them to understand)?

5. What do Jesus’ heart and actions teach you about God?

6. What do you learn about people?

7. Would you obey God regardless of what people think or say? Why or why not?

8. Choose one of the following “greater than” statements and then share how you would use it as an introduction to tell someone about the application of our Bible study today.

                  Love > Law

                  People > Procedures

                  Relationships > Rules

9. Based on our study and discussion, complete this sentence: “This week, I will . . .”

10. From what would you like Jesus to set you free?

For Next Week: Read and reflect on Luke 10:25-37 as we continue our study of Luke with the theme, “Jesus the Storyteller.” You can also read next week’s supplemental texts as well as the Study and Application sections as part of your personal study.


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