The 2022 Stone-Campbell Journal Conference, hosted by Johnson University, Knoxville, Tenn., April 8-9, saw an attendance of 175 people from 22 states and 38 different educational institutions. The theme, “Jesus in the Gospels: Parables, Female Disciples, and Children,” was developed by three main speakers, with more than 50 other experienced and emerging scholars also presenting. The general public may view videos of the plenary addresses via the SCJ website beginning June 1.
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Several women who are learning how to stay close and obedient to God in different circumstances will help lead “Women of Purpose” at 2 p.m. Nov. 5 during the International Conference On Missions in Columbus, Ohio. Speakers will include Tina Wilson, Laura Diebel, Donna Linn, and Stacy Vines. Cost is $15. Tickets are limited. Look for “Women of Purpose” as you register for ICOM 2022. The event is sponsored by the Bold Movement.
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Micah Odor will teach “Principles of Disciple-Making” this summer through the Russell School of Ministry, located in the Christian Church Leadership Center, Florence, Ky. If taking this class for credit, there is a tuition fee; enrichment learners pay nothing to sit in the classroom. Remote learning is an option. Learn more and register here.
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On a recent blog post, Bob Russell wrote about “Six Reasons Why You Need to Attend Church in Person.”
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Lynn Anderson, a beloved minister with the noninstrumental Churches of Christ, died May 12. He also was an author (They Smell Like Sheep, among other books) and founder of Hope Network Ministries. The Christian Chronicle shared an article about Mr. Anderson.
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Christianity Today recently hosted a webinar on “Should Your Church Get Political?” The 78-minute panel discussion covers theological, pastoral, and legal questions related to the topic. The panel included scholars, pastors, and attorneys. The free webinar is viewable on-demand.
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