15 March, 2025

CCU Reunion Planned for July 16 (Plus News Briefs)

by | 16 June, 2022 | 0 comments

A reunion event for Cincinnati Christian University alumni will be held from 1 to 5 p.m. July 16 at the Christian Church Leadership Center, 8095 Connector Drive, Florence, Ky. 41042. 

All CCU alumni (graduates and attenders) are invited. It will be an opportunity to reconnect with former classmates, professors, and administrators. Classes are encouraged to gather for lunch and/or dinner before and after the event. Light refreshments will be served.  

CCU yearbooks and memorabilia will be on display. Rooms will be available for smaller gatherings. Tours of the Elliott Library and its collection of ancient historical and archaeological artifacts will be offered. Former CCU president David Faust will speak briefly at 2 p.m. and former professor Paul Friskney will offer comments at 4 p.m.

To be added to an email list and to learn more about the event, send a note to [email protected].

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Great Lakes Christian College has published a book churches can use to educate their members about the past, present, and future of the Restoration Movement. In Restoration Appreciation: The Rich Legacy and Hopeful Future of the Stone-Campbell Movement, 12 pastors, scholars, and teachers explore different aspects of our movement’s heritage. Topics explored include history, identity, mission, race, creeds, Scripture, education, unity, humility, and cultural relevance. Each chapter ends with five discussion questions. The book was edited by Dr. John Nugent, GLCC professor of theology. It is available at Amazon.

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David Davolt has retired after 18 years as vice president of institutional advancement at Boise Bible College. Despite that, Davolt will continue to serve as advancement ambassador by attending camps, retreats, and churches to promote the ministry of BBC.

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Retired Christian minister Bob Russell posted a column on “The Sin of Approving Sin” at his blog on June 5. Here’s one paragraph: 

“It concerns me that some who claim to be Christians imagine themselves as being tolerant when they openly endorse false beliefs and evil behaviors. In a culture where flaunting sin is common and opposing sin is seen as hate, many believers yield to peer pressure and cheer depravity, call good what God calls evil, and undermine the biblical plea for repentance. It is one thing to be kind and respectful. It is another thing to approve and enable.”

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Fowler’s Mill Christian Church, Chardon, Ohio, was one of 10 churches represented in a letter sent to the mayor protesting a gay pride event planned on the town square on June 18, Chagrin Valley Today reported.

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Ash Grove Christian Church, Windsor, Ill., celebrated their 190th anniversary on June 5, with Tom Haney, who grew up in the church, speaking.

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Niche.com recently ranked Johnson University as having the second-best dorms of any college in the country. 

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Last week we shared about the retirement of Bob Kastens, 80, who served most recently with Louisville (Tenn.) Christian Church. Since then, the Daily Times wrote about Davon Huss, the new preaching minister at LCC. Huss is a graduate of Mid-Atlantic Christian University and Cincinnati Christian University who has served in ministry for 29 years. Davon and Crystal Huss have raised two sets of twins.

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Barna research found that 67 percent of U.S. Protestant senior pastors say they feel “very confident” about their preaching right now, 32 percent are “somewhat confident,” and just 1 percent report not being confident. 

Still, many pastors “recognize room for growth in this area,” Barna shared. Of the 510 Protestant senior ministers surveyed in March, 49 percent rated the preaching and teaching at their church as “very strong,” but that figure “decreases significantly (40 percent) among pastors who have considered quitting ministry in the past year.” 

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Paul Huyghebaert wrote an interesting article posted by Renew.org called “Understanding the Pressures of the LGBTQ movement in Five Decade-Centered Shifts.” He lists these shifts as Condemnation (1980s and before), Toleration (1990s), Affirmation (2000s), Celebration (2010s), and Participation (2020s). He also cites statistics showing that the percentage of the population that identifies as LGBTQ increased more than 20-fold over the course of five generations (from traditionalists to Generation Z).

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U.S. troops completed their withdrawal from Afghanistan in August 2021, but “there are still thousands of followers of Jesus in Afghanistan,” a frontline worker told the Voice of the Martyrs

The Afghan Christians “have had multiple opportunities to share, to be salt and light, to serve, to give food, to reach out in practical, tangible ways but then slowly talk about the good news and how they have discovered eternal life through Jesus Christ,” the frontline worker said. 

VOM asks for prayer and support for those workers who are seeking to advance the cause of Christ in the face of Taliban opposition.

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Send news items to [email protected].


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