13 February, 2025

Register Your Entire Church or College for ICOM (Plus News Briefs)

by | 24 August, 2022 | 0 comments

Churches and colleges can pay a flat rate, based on their size, and register their entire “family” for the International Conference On Missions, slated for Nov. 3 to 5 in Columbus, Ohio. 

For example, a church averaging 100 or fewer in weekly worship attendance can pay $250 and register every member of their church—newborns through adults—for the gathering, and that includes SICOM (the Student ICOM). The registration incrementally increases to $1,700 for churches that average 1,001 or more. 

The rates are the same for Christian colleges, based on their enrollment. Virtual viewing is also included. 

Learn more here.

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News Briefs

During a sermon Saturday night at Northside Christian Church in New Albany, Ind., worshippers came to senior pastor Nate Ross‘s rescue by holding up their cell phone flashlights so he could continue to preach when a thunderstorm knocked out the power. Later, as Ross said, “And then God said this, ‘Let there be . . .'”
—you guessed it . . . the auditorium lights came back on. Those gathered laughed, applauded, and shouted as Ross took a lap around the stage. See a short video on NCC’s Facebook page.

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Dr. Ron Kastens will become the next academic dean of Emmanuel Christian Seminary at Milligan effective Sept. 1, 2023. The current academic dean, Dr. Rollin Ramsaran, plans to return to the classroom full-time; Ramsaran has served in the role since 2014.  

Since 2018, Kastens has led Milligan’s Ministry Leadership Program (MLP), which is designed to prepare its students for future careers in ministry by incorporating academic theological training with practical ministry experience. 

Kastens’ appointment as seminary dean will become effective with the beginning of the 2023-24 academic year, at which time Ramsaran will return to full-time faculty. During this academic year, Kastens will serve as both MLP director and seminary dean-elect. 

It also was announced that Aaron Woods has been selected as director of seminary admissions.

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People can register for the 2022 SpireConference up through the start of the event, which runs Sept. 27-29 at the Orlando World Marriott in Florida, but rates are cheaper if you do so before the end of this month ($279 vs. $299). 

The theme this year, “Leadership Re-Ignited,” will be developed by such speakers as Ashley Wooldridge, Kyle Idleman, Steve Carter, Bishop Claude Alexander, Shane Wood, Mel McGowan, Jennie Allen, Tripp Lee, Sydney Clayton, Ben Stuart, Orpheus Heyward, Johnny Scott, Nikomas Perez, Ashley Weece, Jim Putman, Lori Wilhite, and Shodankeh Johnson, among others. 

Information is available at spire.network.

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Lincoln (Ill.) Christian University, which is restructuring and selling off part of its campus, is having a “Treasure Sale” from 8 a.m. to 3 p.m. Saturday in Henderson Hall on campus. Among items to be sold are desks, bookcases, jerseys, electronics, cafeteria equipment, and more. The restructuring “has freed up a number of classroom and office furnishings,” a flyer said.

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The Standard Democrat wrote a feature article on the history of First Christian Church in Charleston, Mo. Pastor Joe Mooney pointed out the significance of the church’s red doors. “Passing through these doors would mean you were on holy ground,” he said. “It is also a symbol of the sacrifices made for our faith today.”

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The Facebook pages for IDES (International Disaster Emergency Service) and Lifeline Christian Mission both share opportunities for churches and individuals to help with flood recovery efforts in Eastern Kentucky. Additionally, IDES continues to welcome help for their tornado recovery efforts in Western Kentucky.  

Kentucky Christian University reported via Facebook that a group of students, faculty, and staff helped with flood-relief efforts in Jenkins, Ky., two weekends ago. KCU also posted several photos.

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The Louisville Bible College Alumni Association will host the first LBC Family Reunion on Oct. 15. The event is open to former students (even those who have taken just one class), faculty, and staff. Guest speaker will be Bob Russell. There will be a Q&A segment, prayer, and a briefing by LBC president Kerry Allen. “Given the current cultural and societal status,” writes alumni president Mike Gillespie, “the theme chosen is ‘All Hell Has Broken Loose: What Do We Do Now?’” The free luncheon begins at 1 p.m. Donations will be accepted. Facilities are limited. RSVP/register by calling Louisville Bible College at (502) 231-5221, emailing Gillespie at [email protected], or messaging him via Facebook

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The campuses of Eastside Christian Church in California are striving to pack 1 million meals to feed people in need through agencies and nonprofits in their communities, the Enterprise in Park Rapids, Calif., reported. Eastside is working with Lifeline Christian Mission.

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Central Christian College of the Bible (Moberly, Mo.) is making 50 tickets available to the St. Louis Cardinals vs. Cincinnati Reds baseball game on Sept. 17 for friends and alums on CCCB, St. Louis Christian College, and Cincinnati Christian University.  

“Before the game, you are also invited to a ‘sneak peek’ of [CCCB’S] new St. Louis location in the Westport region of the city . . . for fellowship, light snacks, and a walking tour.” The Westport-area campus is located near I-270 at 11960 Westline Industrial Drive, St. Louis, 63146. Visitors are welcome from 3:00 to 4:30 p.m. Learn more here.

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This week on his blog, Bob Russell wrote about the “Ten Reasons Why Leading a Church Is Often More Complex Than Leading a Business.” Included in the 10 reasons are these: No. 4: “Long-term members consider themselves experts in how the church should be run” and No. 9: “There are few ways to vent frustrations appropriately.” Read the entire post here.

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Johnson University Tennessee posted on Facebook last week that the “post office and store across the street from campus” was being demolished. JU has purchased the property and “will be developing signage and maybe even a landscaped area with benches to beautify this corner.” In the comments section, many folks shared happy memories of the store and of Buster, the proprietor. “Buster was the best part about mailing packages!” recalled one alum. “He was always smiling and you never left without a Double Bubble!”

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Boise Bible College has a new degree program—Bachelor of Science or Arts degree in Pastoral Care. Learn more here.

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If you have an interesting hobby and serve in ministry with a Christian Church or Church of Christ—or know of a friend who checks those boxes—would you share that with us for possible inclusion in an upcoming article at christianstandard.com? Just send a note to [email protected] with “hobby” in the subject line. Please include your (or your friend’s) name and ministry role, church name, telephone number, and—of course—the unique hobby, avocation, diversion, or pastime. Thank you!

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When Barna asked U.S. adults, “Do you support any of [the following causes]?” Christian churches and ministries fared very well. The No. 1 response to the question was “Christian churches” (19 percent). Tied for third was “Christian ministry other than a church” (10 percent). The second most-popular answer was “animal welfare” (12 percent). See the complete list at Barna’s Facebook page.

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“Influential and up-and-coming Calvary Chapel pastor, Chet Lowe, runs a Christian boot camp in Southern California that simulated torture as a part of its discipleship process,” The Roys Report reported last week. “The students said the boot camp . . . pushed them beyond their breaking point.” Boot camp methods included simulating persecution via fake firing squads and middle-of-the-night chases by “Muslims.” A former participant said, “It was meant to break you down . . . [so] they put you back together the way they want you to be.”

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Send news to [email protected].


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