9 March, 2025

News that Moved Both Heaven and Earth to Rejoice

by | 20 December, 2022 | 0 comments

By Terry Allcorn 

Luke 2 describes a sky full of heavenly hosts giving glory to God because a Savior had been born. It occurs to me that the announcement could have been made by the angel without the sky being filled with celebration. Angels appear elsewhere in Scripture and bring significant news. But those appearances are not followed by a sky full of heavenly beings giving glory to God. 

While all of Heaven may have watched other significant interactions between angels and humans, this announcement moved them to break through the veil and fill the night sky in celebration. I have to wonder whether this was planned or a spontaneous reaction to the announcement of the birth of Christ. Regardless, it is an awe-inspiring response to an amazing announcement. 

This level of joy can only be understood by recognizing that the heavenly hosts understood the significance of the announcement. May we also recognize that the arrival of a Savior is just as relevant today as when it was first shared with the shepherds. 

This announcement, the birth announcement of the Savior of the world, is the biggest birth announcement ever! The only appropriate response from both heaven and earth is to give glory to God. 

May your Christmas season be filled with joyful praise to God for the birth of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ! 

Dr. Terry Allcorn serves as president and CEO of Kentucky Christian University, Grayson, Ky. 


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