11 February, 2025

Orchard Group Marks 75 Years (Plus News Briefs)

by | 22 March, 2023 | 0 comments

Orchard Group is celebrating its 75th anniversary this year. President Brent Storms shared via Facebook: “We want the next 25 years to be even more fruitful than the first 75 years: more churches planted, more people reached, and more new believers baptized. Toward that end, we’ve set a goal of raising $750,000 over and above regular giving. . . . 

“Also, throughout this year we’ll be collecting stories from people whose lives have been impacted by Orchard Group or through a church we’ve helped to start. We’d like to hear from donors, partners, planters, pastors, and volunteers. Would you be willing to . . . share your story?” 

The church-planting ministry has created a special anniversary page on its website that includes a timeline of its history, starting with its founding as Go Ye Chapel in New York City in 1948 by Elmer Kile and his wife, DeLoris. Learn more at orchard.group/75.

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News Briefs

Christian Standard Media is excited to be taking part in the RENEW.org National Conference April 25-26 at Traders Point Christian Church in Indianapolis. The conference theme is “Resilient,” and RENEW.org will include a book entitled Resilient: Standing Firm in a Hostile World, by David Young, to those who register. In addition to that, Christian Standard will provide registrants with Robert Coleman’s book The Master Plan of Evangelism (the gold-standard work on discipleship). 

“We are thankful for RENEW being the point of the spear in the Restoration Movement in terms of disciple-making,” said Jerry Harris, publisher of Christian Standard Media. “We encourage all of our readers to consider attending RENEW or checking out what they do on their website” at renew.org/2023-gathering/.

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FAME’s “Night of Hope” will take place at 5 p.m. April 15 at Plainfield (Ind.) Christian Church. “Join us as we celebrate a few of the thousands of stories we could tell about miraculous impact in nearly every time zone around the globe,” the medical evangelism ministry writes. The gathering will include a catered meal, musical entertainment by Jason Gray, and a silent auction. Cost is $35 per person and $60 per couple. Silent auction donations are being accepted through March 31. Learn more and register via fameworld.com.

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William Jessup University’s student-led Give:24 initiative will take place Friday (March 24) and will raise funds for student scholarships, Arts Studio renovation, the Jessup Music spring tour, pastoral support, the Village Recreation Area, and Jessup athletics. Donations that attain certain levels will unlock matching funds. The collective goal is $172,000. Learn more here.

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