10 March, 2025

High Winds Damage Church in Richmond, Ky. (Plus News Briefs)

by | 28 June, 2023 | 0 comments

Strong winds ripped off part of the back wall of Madison Hills Christian Church in Richmond, Ky., on Sunday night. The winds also blew off a front door. 

Associate pastor Martin Frazer said straight-line winds of 100 mph passed through the city. “That wind hit Madison Hills and caused the back wall veneer of brick to come off the building and collapse,” Frazer shared via email. 

“Amazingly, there is no structural damage. The inside of the church is intact and fully functional, and we believe we will be able to use the church while it is being repaired.” 

The church has insurance but will need to pay the deductible on the policy. 

“We are very grateful that it wasn’t worse than it was and that no one was hurt,” Frazer wrote.

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News Briefs

Boise Bible College will host a Church Leadership Conference Sept. 19-20. The theme will be “Investing in the Future of the Church: Practical Tools for Hiring and Keeping Pastoral Staff.” Keynote speaker will be Scott Lerwick, BBC’s vice president of institutional advancement. Cost is $99, which includes three meals and an evening at Top Golf. Learn more and register at this website.

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Kentucky Christian University recently awarded its 5,000th degree. KCU, located in Grayson, Ky., is in its 104th year of training leaders for the church and society.

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Dr. J.K. Jones retired as professor of spiritual formation at Lincoln (Ill.) Christian University on May 31. The next day, LCU honored him with the title of professor emeritus. Jones served two stints teaching at LCU (1982–1988 and 1996–2023). During that time, LCU’s Facebook page says, “he has been a foundational voice in the worlds of preaching and spiritual formation. We’ll miss his wisdom, wit, and winsomeness—but above all, we give thanks that he shared it with us in the classroom and beyond.”

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ICOM supporters are being encouraged to “Pray for the Nations” in the weeks leading up to this year’s conference, slated for Nov. 16-18 in Oklahoma City. Learn more here.

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Dr. Nathan Shedd has been hired as assistant professor of New Testament at Johnson University. The Straughn, Ind., native is a 2011 graduate of Johnson and received his PhD from Liverpool Hope University in London, England. He previously has taught online courses and over the past academic year served as a visiting instructor of New Testament.

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Kentucky Christian University alumni are invited to gather for fun and fellowship from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. Saturday, July 22, at Hummel Park in Plainfield, Ind. Bring a lawn chair and your children. This is a free event, and lunch will be provided. Learn more at www.kcu.com.

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