A treasure trove of archived issues of Christian Standard going back to 2001 is now available to readers and researchers. To access these issues, go to the bottom-right quadrant of our home page and click on “Archived Christian Standard Issues” (or just click here).
The archiving of these issues into a digital format has taken a major investment of time and resources, but it still is a work in process. For example, issues from the years 2005 to 2008 are yet to be digitized (but we’re working on it!). Ultimately the plan is to make digital issues available going back to 1967.
Additionally, individual articles dating back to 2005 are accessible using the “Search” function (the magnifying glass icon) on our website.
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News Briefs
Mark Scott, lead minister with Park Plaza Christian Church in Joplin, Mo., and lesson writer for Christian Standard’s Lookout Bible lessons, will teach at two Bible Study Breakfasts during the International Conference On Missions in Oklahoma City. The sessions will take place from 7:30 to 8:30 on Friday and Saturday, Nov. 17 and 18. Cost is $20 per day. Purchase tickets during registration. Go to theicom.org for complete details about this year’s ICOM gathering.
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Last week we reported about Pulpit AI, but in the past week we’ve learned of another church-centric AI platform.
Missional Marketing has launched SermonSpark, a free AI-based software that, the company says “accelerates and inspires sermon creation, preparation, and distribution for churches through a sermon outline generator, news story finder, social media post creator, and more.”
“We built an AI sermon software that saves pastors significant time while honoring the inspiration of the Holy Spirit and the Bible,” CEO Jason Hamrock said in a news release. Missional Marketing works with more than 1,000 churches in the U.S. and Canada on technological approaches to growth.
Within 60 seconds, he said, SermonSpark can draft a sermon outline, craft sermon-aligned social media posts, and other relevant written material. Research tools can help customers find meaningful verses, explore historical context, and gather quotes to inspire sermons and support pastors, the release said.
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Dr. David Eubanks, who served as president of Johnson University in Knoxville, Tenn., for 38 years, was a 2022 inductee into the Hall of Fame of the Tennessee Independent Colleges and Universities Association. TICUA recently shared a profile of Dr. Eubanks, who arrived at Johnson as a student in 1953. “Until he retired, Dr. Eubanks and his wife, Margaret, lived on campus their entire adult lives, including 51 years of their marriage.” Eubanks continues to serve Johnson as president emeritus.
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SpireConference—slated for Sept. 26-28 in Nashville, Tenn.—has several preconference options planned for 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Sept. 25. And if you sign up for one of these preconference events now through Aug. 15, you can receive an “early bird” priced registration for SpireConference. The preconference options include sessions for senior pastors of churches of 1,000 or more, executive pastors, children’s ministers, student ministers, campus pastors, worship arts leaders, discipleship leaders, connection and hospitality leaders, and “Women in Church Leadership.” Learn more at spire.network.
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A Louisville Metro Police officer who was shot in the head April 10 during a downtown bank robbery was greeted outside Southeast Christian Church on Friday by hundreds of cheering people who have been praying for his recovery, www.WDRB.com reported. Nick Wilt had just been released from the Frazier Rehabilitation Institute. Wilt was shot during his fourth shift after graduating from the police academy. Quick actions by Wilt and his partner, Cory “CJ” Galloway, are credited with saving lives.
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Hope International University (Fullerton, Calif.) will debut a co-curricular eSports program this fall. Sinjin Chun will serve as founding director and head coach. “HIU is committed to becoming the leading eSports program in our region and serving as a faithful witness in the eSports world,” according to a story at Hope’s website.
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Tom and Beth Weaver plus Greg and Lori Strickland of RockSolid Ministries will host a revival at the Christian Church of Riverton in Wyoming. The sermon series for the Aug. 20-23 revival is titled “Reviving the Priesthood.”
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World magazine columnist Miles Smith recently offered his opinion of how a congresswoman’s joke about premarital sex at a prayer breakfast is indicative of “a revolutionary shift away from Christian morality in standards of political propriety.”
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