5 February, 2025

October 15 | Discovery

by | 9 October, 2023 | 0 comments

By Doug Redford 

1. Did you keep a journal of God’s grace this past week (as was suggested at the conclusion of last week’s lesson)? Share one example of how God’s grace was evident to you during the week. 

2. Think of a time when you saw a person in need and could have helped them, but you didn’t. What kept you from reaching out and helping in that situation? 

Ask two people to read aloud Acts 2:44-47; 6:1-7 one after the other, preferably from different Bible versions. Then ask a third person to briefly summarize the passages. 

3. The early Christians “broke bread in their homes” (Acts 2:46). What is there about sharing a meal with others that often encourages open conversation? 

  • In today’s culture, what makes planning these kinds of meals a challenge? 
  • What steps can you take to increase the likelihood that such meals happen in your personal surroundings? 

4. The Christians in Acts 2 were “enjoying the favor of all the people” (Acts 2:47).  

  • What did the early church do that earned them such “favor”? 
  • Why does such “favor” in today’s church seem to be lacking? 

5. David Faust describes the church in Acts 6 as “fledgling” (still young and somewhat inexperienced). 

  • What problems might newer churches have that older, more established churches do not? 
  • What problems might older, more established churches have that newer churches do not? 

6. Certain widows were being overlooked in the food distribution ministry of the Jerusalem church. 

  • In what areas of today’s society can widows often find themselves overlooked? 
  • What other groups today are often overlooked and neglected? 

7. The apostles desired to devote themselves to “prayer and the ministry of the word” (Acts 6:4). 

  • Why were these two items so important to the apostles? 
  • Why should they be given such priority today? 

8. What criteria would you use to determine whether someone is “full of the Spirit and wisdom” (Acts 6:3)? 

9. Based on our study and discussion, complete the sentence: “I will . . .” 

10. David Faust says, regarding finding a solution to the dilemma facing the church in Acts 6, “It was time for others to step up.” Think of a place in your church’s ministries or in your community where you can “step up” and become more involved. Or if there’s a need in your church or community that is being overlooked, consider speaking to one of your church’s leaders about stepping up to address that. 

For Next Week: Read and reflect on Acts 8:4-24. You can also read next week’s supplemental texts as well as the Study and Application sections as part of your personal study.  


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