12 March, 2025

News Briefs for Jan. 31

by | 31 January, 2024 | 0 comments

Join fellow ministers and missionaries for a unique opportunity to hang out with longtime friends in the ministry. The Pressing On Conference will gather in St. Charles, Mo., on April 9-11 and host a lineup of speakers that includes Matt Proctor, Kevin Dooley, Mark Scott, and Mike and Karolyn Schrage. Tickets for this time of connection, fellowship, and celebration are available via this site.

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e2: effective elders will hold its annual LeadWell conference March 15-16 at Mount Gilead Church in Mooresville, Ind. This year’s theme, “LeadWell: Grow Younger,” will feature keynote speaker Matt Proctor, president of Ozark Christian College, along with Jayson French, president of Christ In Youth, and Tyler McKenzie, lead pastor of Northeast Christian Church, Louisville, Ky. Registration is open to e2 partner and non-partner churches. The suggested audience for LeadWell includes elders, pastors, and next-generation leaders. Register at www.e2elders.org/events.

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Dr. David Fleer will be speaker for the Fred B. Craddock Lectures on Preaching March 27 at Johnson University in Knoxville, Tenn. Fleer’s career has spanned several decades of teaching and preaching. For most of the past two decades, he has served as professor of Bible and communication at Lipscomb University, Nashville, and as executive director of the Thomas H. Olbricht Christian Scholars Conference.

Fleer will give morning and afternoon lectures and also speak at chapel. Individuals are asked to RSVP for this free event. The lectures honor one of Johnson University’s most renowned and respected alumni, Fred B. Craddock. Learn more here.

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FAME’s Night of Hope Banquet is set for 5 p.m. April 27 at Plainfield (Ind.) Christian Church. The evening’s theme will be “The Message Never Changes.” The ministry of medical evangelism to the world’s most vulnerable started in 1970. Learn more at fameworld.org.

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The Spring Spiritual Formation Leadership Summit, “Theology of the Body: Why God’s Design of the Human Body Matters,” will take place April 15-17 at Eagle Rock Retreat Center, Maryville, Tenn. Cost is $300. (An additional night is available for $100.) Identical programming is planned May 1-3 for the North Carolina/Virginia Regional Spiritual Formation Leadership Summit; that event will be held at St. Francis Springs Prayer Center, Stoneville, N.C. The summits are led by led by Jody L. Owens and a team of worship leaders and spiritual directors. The registration fee includes lodging, meals, and all summit resources. Learn more here.

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