9 March, 2025

March 3 | Discovery Questions

by | 26 February, 2024 | 0 comments

1. Share a memory of the person who baptized you.  

Ask two people to read aloud 1 Corinthians 1:10-17; 12:12-20, one after the other, preferably from different Bible versions. Then ask a third person to briefly summarize the passages.  

2. How can pride be helpful in a work setting?   

• Without sharing specific examples, how can pride be harmful in a work setting?  

• How can pride be helpful in a church setting?   

• Without sharing specific examples, how can pride be harmful in a church setting?  

3. How and why can focusing on leaders and leadership styles be harmful in the church?  

4. How could divisions within a church impact a believer’s personal faith journey? Has that ever happened to you?  

5. How can you contribute to unity within your own church community?  

6. Consider Paul’s statement, “Christ did not send me to baptize, but to preach the gospel” (v. 17).    

• Is this a surprising statement? Why or why not?  

• What does this reveal about Paul?  

7.  What is your role within the body of Christ? Have you settled into a specific role, or would you like your role to expand? How?  

8. Consider the many denominations in the world and the many church splits still occurring today. What effect have these splits had on the church’s witness to non-Christians?  

9.  How can we ensure unity within the body of Christ while also embracing and appreciating the diversity among its members?  

10. Based on our study and discussion, complete the sentence: “I will . . .”  

For Next Week: Read and reflect on 1 Corinthians 3:5-15; 4:1-5. You can also read next week’s supplemental texts and the Study and Application sections as part of your personal study.   


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