Ozark Christian College has updated their logo so there is a greater focus on the cross of Christ. “Logos come and go,” OCC wrote on their Facebook page, “but our mission of training men and women for Christian service remains the same.”
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A Christian Church elder and longtime radio personality in Harlan, Ky., died last week. James “Little Jim” Morgan, a lifelong resident of Harlan who served many roles at Harlan Christian Church, died suddenly March 19, according to WYMT.com. He was a broadcaster for more than 50 years, retiring from WHLN, Radio Harlan, in 2019. He and his father won the prestigious Peabody Award for their coverage of floods that ravaged Harlan County in 1977, according to his obituary. A celebration of life service was conducted Sunday at the church.
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Summit Christian College (Gering, Neb.) will host a Voice of the Church Forum featuring Tim Snyder on May 20 and 21. The forum’s aim is to foster continuing open communication between local churches and the college. At this gathering, the ministry pipeline issue will be addressed, along with how churches and SCC can partner together to identify, prepare, and educate leaders for ministry. Pre-registration runs through April 18 (and guarantees a hotel room). In addition to Snyder (who serves with the Calvary Leadership Initiative and Calvary Christian Church in Nebraska), other panelists from area churches will participate. Learn more and register at summitcc.edu.
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The Common Grounds Unity Podcast will share an interview with Shawn McMullen, editor of Christian Standard, on March 29. The episode (No. 131) is titled “Hope Springs Eternal.” Find it wherever you get your podcasts or at www.commongroundsunity.org/podcast.
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