12 February, 2025

June 16 | Discovery Questions

by | 10 June, 2024 | 0 comments

1. Share an example of someone who chose to obey God knowing that their decision would cost them dearly. 

    Ask two people to read aloud Daniel 3:1, 4-6, 8-28, one after the other, preferably from different Bible versions. Then ask a third person to briefly summarize these verses. 

    2. What do you think motivated King Nebuchadnezzar to set up this great statue for all the people to worship (v. 1)? What does this say about the human tendency toward arrogance? 

      3. Reflecting on the king’s dream in chapter 2, lesson writer Mark Scott notes, “Knowing that the gold part of the statue is Nebuchadnezzar himself (2:38), he erected a huge image of gold (form of an idol).” How does Nebuchadnezzar’s response to his dream differ from God’s purpose of giving him the dream?  

        • How can we make sure that we use rightly the gifts and blessings God gives us? 

        4. It’s conceivable that more Jewish captives than Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego refused to bow down to the king’s golden image. Why do you think these three were singled out by the Babylonian astrologers? (v. 12) What does this say about the way some people view those around them who have strong convictions? 

          5. When confronted by the king about their disobedience, the three Hebrew men refused to defend themselves (v. 16). What can we learn from them about the quiet and firm confidence of those who put their trust in God? 

            6. When Nebuchadnezzar saw that Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego were unharmed by the heat of the blazing furnace, he acknowledged their faith and praised God who protected them (v. 28). How can our faith in God today lead others to put their trust in him? 

              7. Based on our study and discussion, complete the sentence: “I will . . .” 

              For Next Week: Read and reflect on Daniel 5:1-6, 13-30. You can also read next week’s supplemental texts and the Study and Application sections as part of your personal study.   


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