12 March, 2025

September 22 | Discovery Questions

by | 16 September, 2024 | 0 comments

September 22: Discovery Questions (based on Revelation 4:1-11)  


1. Think back to a specific time of worship when you felt especially close to and in awe of God. What about that time made it significant to you? 

Ask two people to read aloud Revelation 4:1-11, one after the other, preferably from different Bible versions. Then ask a third person to briefly summarize the passage. 

2. Lesson writer Mark Scott observes, “After this [Revelation 4:1] referred to after John saw the condition of the seven churches.”  

  • How does the contrast between the state of the seven churches on earth (Revelation 2-3) and the state of the glorious throne room of God in heaven (Revelation 4) speak to you about God’s authority and reign? 

3. Reread the description John provides of the one sitting on a throne in heaven (4:2-3).  

  • What does John’s description say to you about God’s glory, beauty, and splendor? 
  • Why do you think John used images of precious stones in his description? 

4. John saw 24 additional thrones surrounding the throne of God (4:4). 

  • What does the presence of the elders on these thrones suggest to you? 
  • What do their white garments and crowns suggest? 

5. At the center of the scene, John saw four more beings surrounding God’s throne (4:6-8a). Scott notes, “There was a lion (wild animals), an ox (domestic animals), a man (or face like one—human beings), and an eagle (flying animals). This may be a way of speaking of all creation worshiping God.” 

  • We understand the worship of human beings, but how do you think all creation worships God? 
  • In what ways does God’s creation lead us to worship? 

6. Night and day, the four creatures continually offer praise and worship to God (4:8b). 

  • How does your awareness of God’s holiness lead you to worship? 
  • How does your awareness of God’s eternality (“was, and is, and is to come”) lead you to worship? 

7. Chapter 4 concludes with an acknowledgement of God’s worthiness to receive worship. 

  • How is God worthy of your worship? 
  • Share your response with your group. 

8. Based on our study and discussion, complete the sentence: “I will . . .” 

For Next Week: Read and reflect on Revelation 5:1-14. You can also read next week’s supplemental texts and the Study and Application sections as part of your personal study.   


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