26 September, 2024

September 29 | Discovery Questions

by | 23 September, 2024 | 0 comments

September 29: Discovery Questions (based on Revelation 5:1-14)  


1. What do you think life would be like if we had no hope of heaven? Share your thoughts with your group. 

Ask two people to read aloud Revelation 5:1-14, one after the other, preferably from different Bible versions. Then ask a third person to briefly summarize the passage. 

2. John’s vision in Revelation 4 continues seamlessly into chapter 5. As he looked closely at the one seated on the throne, he noticed a scroll in his right hand. 

  • If the scroll represents a message from God, what do you think is meant by the fact that the scroll is sealed with seven seals? 

3. It became clear to John that no one was able to open the scroll to see what it contained. 

  • Why do you think this caused John to weep profusely (5:4)?  
  • What does this say to you about the importance of God’s revelation to us? 

4. Then John saw it: “A Lamb, looking as if it had been slain, standing at the center of the throne” (5:6). 

  • Why is this being described as a “Lion” in verse 5 and a “Lamb” in verse 6? 
  • How does this combination of descriptions give you confidence and peace? 

5. The elder explained that the Lion/Lamb was able to open the scroll and its seals because he “has triumphed” (5:5). Together, make a list of the victories the Lion/Lamb has achieved.

6. As soon as the Lamb took the scroll from “him who sat on the throne” (5:7-8), the beings surrounding the throne fell before him in worship. 

  • Have you ever fallen before the Lord in worship? 
  • If not, what would compel you to do so? 

7. In John’s vision, all the angels in heaven and all the creatures on earth joined together in a chorus of praise “to him who sits on the throne and to the lamb” (5:13). 

  • What do you think worship in heaven will be like? 
  • How can you prepare now for that great, eternal event? 

8. Based on our study and discussion, complete the sentence: “I will . . .” 

For Next Week: Read and reflect on Revelation 6:1-12; 7:9-17. You can also read next week’s supplemental texts and the Study and Application sections as part of your personal study.   


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