14 March, 2025

Why From Another Place


by | 1 September, 2024 | 4 comments

By Tony Twist

To Pilate, Jesus testified, “My kingdom is not of this world. If it were, my servants would fight to prevent my arrest by the Jewish leaders. But now my kingdom is from another place” (John 18:36, NIV). 

So, who in the world are we? 

Let’s journey back in time to find out. (The following adapted illustration is inspired by Dr. Marcus Warner in his book, A Deeper Walk). 

Imagine you’re an orphan living in England during the Industrial Revolution. You hardly knew your parents and only know life “on the street” where orphans raise one another while trying to stay alive. This often means breaking the law in a variety of ways.  

One day another street orphan comes to you with some interesting news. “The king has declared an amnesty for orphans,” he tells you. “What does that mean?” you ask. He replies, “All you have to do is go to the police station, declare what you’ve done, and the officials will issue you a document granting full pardon for all offenses.” “Right.” you reply. “No thanks!” But the next day you hear the same story from another orphan. Then another. One shows you his document and you begin to think, This may be legit. So, despite your apprehension, you go to the police station, make your confession in front of an official wearing a huge white wig, and receive your full pardon. It feels great. You don’t have to live in fear and look over your shoulder as you walk down the street.  

But, back on the street you begin to wonder. Is this pardon really going to give you a new identity? What’s to keep you from slipping back into your old lifestyle? 

A few days later you’re walking down the street and hear someone calling your name. You turn around and see a policeman. He is now too close for you to escape and your heart sinks. He says simply: “Come with me, someone wants to meet you.” You’re thinking, I knew it. This was all a “bait and switch” designed to trap and punish me. How could I have been so stupid? 

The policeman takes you around the corner and you see a massive horse-drawn carriage gilded with lots of beautiful art and shields. He opens the door and you’re invited to enter. You’re seated across from a high-ranking official wearing the largest white wig you’ve ever seen and the most powerful man you’ve ever encountered. You’re frightened, but the gentle manner of the king begins to overcome your fear. You sit in silence not knowing what to say. Then the king speaks tenderly to you.  

“We don’t know each other, but I have come to make you a proposition. I’m doing this because I knew your parents. They were loyal subjects and good friends before the war started. I did not know they had a child or that you were living here on the street. Here is my written proposal. I want to make you an heir to my entire estate. You will now become my child. I’ll prepare a place for you in the palace. All you must do is sign up and my magistrate will put it in writing and give you my official declaration that you are now my heir and belong to the royal family.” 

You are stunned and don’t know how to respond. You mumble, shake your head yes, and sign the document. 

The king then addresses you in a friendly, almost informal, way. 

I hope in time we will come to love each other very much. I must now speak to you as part of my royal family. As you know, we are at war. The palace is not ready yet and our entire family is on war footing. Soon I will bring you home. For now, I must ask you to stay on the street until our enemies are totally defeated. But, even on the street, you must promise me that you will always remember who you are now. We are a family of honor, decency, loyalty, and love. You will be our representative, ambassador, and advocate encouraging all you meet toward kingdom allegiance. If you have any needs, please send word to me and I will make sure they are met. But your old “street” identity must now be replaced with a new ‘royal’ identity since you now are a child, heir, and representative of my kingdom. 

“Will you commit to this, my child?”  

Through tears you reply, “Yes, my Father, I will.” 

For the first time in your life, as you exit the king’s carriage, you know who you really are. A child of this king. You know your heritage and destiny. You know your status and place. Even though back on familiar streets, nothing is the same. Who you are now changes everything you do.  

As you walk past a familiar alley, an orphan comes out of the darkness to tell you about a sweet theft in the works where your expertise is needed. And that your cut will be quite lucrative. 

Without even thinking you tell him to leave you alone. You dismiss him by simply saying, “I now know who I am, and our family just doesn’t do such things. We are not from around here.”  

After this street encounter, you realize that you really are a new person. You have no desire to slip back into your old lifestyle. Even while living on the streets. 

And, as your new family becomes more real, you start learning even more about your royal heritage from another place. 

Where We’ve Come From 

You learn it all started because They wanted a family. So, they worked hard to make it happen. Their relationship was perfect. They constantly preferred one another in love and were completely one in Spirit. And they took eons of time to put together all necessary resources to create an ideal home where their children could mature.  

Being immensely wealthy, they acquired many servants to assist with the expected children. Most of these servants shared their joy. But as the long preparation times continued, some servants became jealous of the anticipated children. Their complaint went something like this: “We have served for eons of time. Why should we work to raise up children who will only grow up to rule and reign over us?” 

So, under the leadership of Lucifer, a third of the servants rebelled. Then, under their influence, our ancestors stupidly joined their rebellion.  

What was God’s problem? As a loving father, He wanted children. This is the Big Why behind all creation. God wants kids who will grow up to rule and reign with him over all creation forever. That’s why, after having his first children, he said to them Genesis 1:28: “Be fruitful and increase in number; fill the earth and subdue it. Rule over the fish in the sea and the birds in the sky and over every living creature that moves on the ground.” That’s why, in Genesis 1:31, on the sixth day God says that his creation was very good. Such love wants children who freely love back. But we didn’t. 

Therefore, our Father has suffered very much throughout history. He loved Lucifer. He loved the rebellious angels. And he loved the world so much he sent his only son to bring us home to him. Like the father of the prodigal son, God runs shamelessly toward us, cleaning us up, killing the fatted calf, and throwing a party to rejoice. 

What a glorious and wonderful family story. It’s a story which stirs your soul with love and gratitude. And it motivates you to fight for your family values. 

Why We’re Here 

Our older brother lived, taught, served, died, and rose again to defeat Lucifer and his minions. Why? To bring his children home. And then Jesus did something incredible. After defeating Lucifer and bringing home to us, he gave us a reset of “be fruitful and multiply.” Our Great Commission is motivated by his Great Commandment. His ongoing family plan is disciple making. We don’t just trust and follow Jesus; we disciple others to disciple others to trust and follow Jesus. We think multiplicatively, not just additionally. Through a process of spiritual parenting as Jesus taught and modelled.  

This reset of Genesis 1:18 is exactly what Jesus discussed with Nicodemus in John chapter 3:1-8. We can have a new beginning in Christ. We can be part of his family movement to restore all creation to God the Father, through his Son, in the power of their Holy Spirit! 

In Christ, we are adopted into a lifespan, origin, and destiny literally out of this world. Blessed beyond measure. Chosen “before the creation of the world to be holy and blameless in his sight” (Ephesians 1:4). Always and forever loved. From eternity to eternity! 

I’ve often wondered what would motivate me to willingly die on a cross. I can think of only one thing: family. And that’s exactly why the Father and the Son in the power of the Spirit did what they did for us. It’s only fitting that this family culture would now define us even while on our very short mission trip here. And it makes all the difference when this culture of Christ saturates our souls. When we gloriously love our Forever Father with all our hearts, souls, minds, and strength. When we really embrace Him fully in faithful faith and loving obedience.  

We former orphans can confidently love and make disciples who make disciples here with real kingdom power, because we really are from another place.  

Dr. Tony Twist serves as President and CEO of TCM International, a global Institute with a vision of training effective leaders for disciple making movements to impact churches, cultures, and countries for Christ.  He loves spending time with his best friend and wife Suzanne, international friendships, and long walks in the Wienerwald. 


  1. Dan Roberts

    Beautiful parable – that will preach!!

  2. Debbie Mitchell

    What an awesome way to think of this life! Thank you, Dr. Twist!

  3. C Daer Platt

    Wonderful parable!! But why do people of the Book continue to perpetuate the at-best-dubious and maybe even blasphemous name of the Adversary as “Lucifer?”

  4. Michael Bratten

    What a great illustration of lost and found, unwanted and dearly loved. Thanks!

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