25 October, 2024

October 20 | Discovery Questions

by | 14 October, 2024 | 0 comments

October 20: Discovery Questions (based on Revelation 12:1-17)  

1. How do you read a mystery novel? Do you focus on the small details of the story, the big-picture details, or do you just skip to the end of the book? Discuss which approach you think is best for understanding the symbolism of the book of Revelation? 

Ask two people to read aloud Revelation 12:1-17, one after the other, preferably from different Bible versions. Then ask a third person to briefly summarize the passage. 

2. Why is the pregnant woman “clothed with the sun, with the moon under her feet and a crown of twelve stars on her head?” (12:1-2). Who or what do you think the woman represents? 

3. How would you interpret the dragon trying to devour the woman’s child, the child being caught up to God and to his throne, and the woman’s protection from God in the wilderness? (12:4-6). 

4. Revelation 12:7-9 says a “war arose in heaven” and the dragon was defeated and “thrown down to the earth.” 

  • Discuss what you think it means that the devil has been thrown down to the earth? How do you see the devil’s influence on the earth? 
  • Does it cause fear or concern to know that the devil is active on the earth? 

5. We are told that God’s people conquered the devil “by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of their testimony, for they loved not their lives even unto death” (12:11). What does this mean for us today in our battle against Satan? 

6. Our lesson writer, Mark Scott, notes that we are not told when the vision took place and gives several options. Which of these times do you think is most probable? 

  • Before the world began when Satan was cast out of heaven (before Gen. 1)? 
  • When Jesus came to earth and set out to destroy the works of the devil (Luke 10:17-19)? 
  • When the apostles evangelized the Roman Empire (Col. 1:6)? 
  • At some future time (2 Thes. 1:6-10)? 

7. When the devil was defeated, there was rejoicing in heaven. But the devil was cast down to the earth with “great wrath” because his time is short (12:12). What does this mean for us today? How should this influence how we live as followers of Jesus? 

8. Based on our study and discussion, complete the sentence: “I will . . .” 

For Next Week: Read and reflect on Revelation 13:1-18. You can also read next week’s supplemental texts and the Study and Application sections as part of your personal study.   


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