25 October, 2024

October 27 Study | War Wounds

by | 21 October, 2024 | 0 comments

Unit: Revelation (Part 2)

Theme: Spiritual War

Lesson Text: Revelation 13:1-18

Supplemental Texts: Genesis 3:1-4; Hebrews 11:32-38; 1Peter 2:19-23; 3:9-17; 4:12-16, 19

Aim: Patiently endure this world’s opposition to your faithfulness.


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By Mark Scott

Disney made famous the movie “Beauty and the Beast.” But the apostle John wrote about “Beauty and the Beasts” (i.e. the beauty of the Bride of Christ in dealing with beasts of this world.) We all know of the Holy Trinity (Father, Son, and Holy Spirit), but in the Book of Revelation there is also a trinity of the evil one (the dragon). They are the beast out of the sea (similar to Leviathan in Job), the beast out of the earth (similar to Behemoth in Job), and the harlot that sits on seven hills. 

The great accuser of Christians (Satan) strives to counterfeit all the good works of God. The devil attempts to mock God or do a parody on God’s work. Jesus was crucified but then resurrected. According to Revelation 13 one of the evil Caesars received a fatal wound, but then, supposedly, that fatal wound was healed. Mockery. The believers were sealed with the mark of God on them (Revelation 7:3-4). But if anyone did not have the mark of the beast on them, they could not buy or sell (13:17).  Believers are not exempt from wounds in this war. 

The Beast Out of the Sea: Enduring Governmental Evil (1-10) 

Christians are told to obey the authorities (Romans 13:1-2; 1 Peter 2:13-14). But left to their own, governments can become beasts. In fact, a word study on “beasts” in the Bible reveals that “beast” is often a symbol of an evil power. Since the dragon could not defeat the woman or her male child (chapter 12), he decided to change tactics and work through other means to destroy God’s redemptive work. The dragon (devil) stood on the shore of the sea. “Sea” in the Book of Revelation is a symbol for the source of evil (cf. Revelation 21:1—the source of evil is gone). 

The devil brought out of the sea a powerful beast (noted by ten horns, seven heads, and ten crowns). Blasphemy came from the beast’s mouth. The beast must have been ugly (having parts like that of a leopard, bear, and lion). The beast, described in this way, makes one think of those beasts in Daniel 7-8. The devil was behind everything the beast did. The devil gave power to the beast. If the horns represent evil individual governmental leaders, then the rumor must have been that the leader had died and came back to life (such was the legend about wicked Caesar Nero—i.e., the fatal wound had been healed).   

People were undone by the beast’s power. They felt like the beast’s power was unlimited. He seemed, at least for a limited time of 42 months, to get away with pride and slandering God’s name. God’s permissive will allowed the beast to seemingly triumph over the Christians in every tribe, people, language, and nation. But those whose names had been written in the Lamb’s book of life were called to endure. The exhortation to Christians was to be faithful—even if it meant captivity or martyrdom.   

The Beast Out of the Earth: Religious Evil (11-18) 

The beast that arose from the earth was like a vice-president—not as powerful, but the main promoter of the beast out of the sea. This beast only had two horns. It was not similar to a leopard, bear, or lion. Rather, in another mockery, it was similar to a lamb. It spoke with the authority of and in promotion of the beast out of the sea. It occupied the role of a false prophet (16:13; 19:20; 20:10). This beast made everyone worship the first beast, particularly Caesar Nero (the fatally wounded one).   

This beast did counterfeit miracles (fire coming down from the heavens and could even perform some levels of ventriloquism—the power of breath to appear to make the first beast say things). These false signs allowed the second beast to deceive the inhabitants of the earth. The second beast led the people into greater idolatry by causing them to worship the first beast. There was even a second “marking” (again a mockery) for people who listened to this second beast. Their foreheads or right hands were marked so that they could not sell or buy goods and services.  

Christians would need to have wisdom from God to abstain from being deceived. The beast had a number, namely 666. It was man’s number (just short of 777). The ancient practice of gematria is probably at play here (where letters in the alphabet had assigned numeric value). The numeric value of Caesar Nero’s name comes to 666. This was some kind of reference to the Imperial Cult (Emperor Worship). Governmental evil and religious evil can create wounds for God’s soldiers. That is why they need endurance and wisdom. 


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