30 September, 2024

Just One Sunday (a Special Emphasis on Nov. 14)


by | 20 October, 2010 | 0 comments

Imagine what could happen if every church in North America began to pray for the Lord to raise up preachers, missionaries, and other harvest workers!

New kingdom leaders would be recruited, mission fields would be reached, churches would be planted, God”s Word would be preached, souls would be saved, wounded hearts would be healed, and God would be praised.

So join with churches across the nation November 14, the Sunday before the National Missionary Convention, to be a part of the Just One Challenge. Make Matthew 9:38 a special prayer emphasis in your worship service that day.

Visit www.justonechallenge.org for ideas and resources, and partner with us on November 14 by honoring the Lord”s prayer request in Matthew 9:38.


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