15 January, 2025

Christian College: High Value


by | 15 March, 2009 | 0 comments



These days everyone is thinking about value received for money spent. In keeping with the times, we asked each of the Christian colleges in our annual survey to write a few paragraphs on this theme: “The High Value of Your Education at Our School.” Their reports follow.



Alberta Bible College

Empowered to dream! Equipped to serve! Students join Alberta Bible College at different points on their faith journeys, but each is greeted with the same challenging question, “Where does your deep gladness meet the world”s deep need?”But students who are uncertain about attending ABC should ask themselves these questions:

“¢ Why wait to explore how God has gifted you, when such a pioneering, hands-on approach to service is readily available?

“¢ Why hesitate when there are professors who want to listen and speak into your dreams and provide coaching, mentoring, and freedom to choose what you know God is calling you to?

“¢ Why hide when there is a community safe enough to love you for who you are, but intentional enough to challenge you to become what God wants?

“¢ Why hesitate when tuition is low enough and scholarships are generous enough to remain debt-free?

“¢ Why second-guess when the price of inaction is too disastrous to contemplate, in a world where “the fields are white for the harvest?”

The truth is, there”s really only one “final exam question” that matters: “How did you serve me with what I gave you?”

It won”t be like cramming at all! But ABC will help you get ready for the exam!

Atlanta Christian College

When weighing the value of a Christian education, there are many things to consider.

Atlanta Christian College and her sister schools are often smaller than some secular university graduating classes. Some faculty at large universities are known worldwide in their fields, and their facilities, funded by state governments, are of the highest order.

But those aren”t the measures we should be looking at when measuring the quality of education. A question to ask is, “What do graduates get for their tuition dollars?” World-famous faculty members almost never teach undergraduate students, even though their names are listed on course schedules. Graduate assistants, who were undergraduates themselves just months before, do the teaching. At ACC, some of our faculty members are known worldwide in their fields””and they do teach undergraduate students from a distinctly Christian worldview.

And those multilevel residence halls and student centers? They cater to students who are lost in a sea of faces. At Atlanta Christian College, you are known by your name, and it isn”t uncommon for anyone””from the maintenance staff to the college president””to call you by name or sit with you at lunch to see how life is treating you.

When one looks at outcomes, our students stack up with the best of the best from any college or university; their success rate in graduate school is testimony to that fact. Long after the large school”s student center is replaced, the experience of a Christian education at ACC will still be paying dividends.


Blueridge College of Evangelism

We were truly blessed during 2008 with a donation of hundreds of volumes of books to our library from numerous generous individuals. We are so thankful to these gracious benefactors who remembered our library in such a kind and helpful way. The new volumes can help train workers for our Lord”s kingdom for years to come.



Boise Bible College

The value of education at Boise Bible College is priceless.

Forget the stock market: an investment in yourself will never lose value. The real value of education at BBC is not knowledge, but character. Education is useless to a person who doesn”t have the integrity, love, and compassion to use it to benefit themselves and those whom God brings into their world of influence.

Knowledge is just one of many facets (leadership, service, internships, discipleship, travel, committees, team building, conflict resolution, etc.) BBC uses to educate men and women of character to influence the world around them for Christ and his kingdom.

Of course you will have to study, research, write, and take the core classes that are offered at any accredited college. The valuable difference will be in taking those classes from professors who are people of faith actively following Christ in local ministries while teaching you how to do the same. Don”t just be taught at college, be mentored at Boise Bible College””that”s where you will find character, and that”s where you will find priceless value. So, come study at BBC, because priceless at any price is a bargain.



Carolina Christian College

Our institution believes in “Preparing Real People for Real Ministry in a Real World.” Our students are taught biblical practicality as well as biblical principles. We live in a changing world and we must stand firm on our beliefs to not conform to nonbelievers. A degree from Carolina Christian College will prepare you to enter into your destiny and fulfill Jesus” commandment to spread the gospel.


Central Christian College

The 2007-08 academic cycle was Central Christian College”s 51st year of equipping servant-leaders for the church. Two faculty members who have been here since the beginning, Professors Gareth Reese and Lloyd Pelfrey, continue to challenge, inspire, and train young men and women for kingdom service throughout the world.

Since beginning a full-tuition scholarship for all degree-seeking students in the 2001-02 year, the college has grown from 191 in fall 2001 to 476 in fall 2007. Students come from 41 states and 12 foreign countries to study for the ministry. Great sacrifice started the full-tuition scholarship, and great sacrifice will continue it for the next generation of leaders. Central continues the grand Restoration Movement heritage of equipping leaders with trusted, conservative, Bible-centered teaching.

Central students ranked their satisfaction higher than national four-year private colleges in eight of nine scales in the 2008 Noel-Levitz Student Satisfaction Inventory. And during the year, Central students reported a total of 27,830 hours of Christian service.

The Central Alumni Advisory Association (C3A) was established in May 2007 and plans to have annual Alumni Homecomings. At the first such homecoming in February 2008, 1966 graduate Helmer “Pete” Peterson received the Outstanding Alumni Award.

The largest graduating class in Central”s history (93) received their degrees in May 2008. There have been 460 graduates so far in the 21st century, with 74 percent receiving bachelor”s degrees and 26 percent earning associate”s degrees.

Philip R. Marley joined the campus community as vice president of institutional advancement on April 1, 2008. Among his many projects is working toward funding construction of the Walton Student Center (named in honor of Bill Walton”s 25 years of service heading up Student Life).



Christian Kingdom College

Christian Kingdom College exists to prepare Christians for ministry in the local church. Though, like all colleges, we have required courses for our various ministry degrees, a student can also expect the personal attention of low student-teacher ratios and close relationships with professors. All CKC professors are ordained evangelists actively serving in the kingdom of God. We also place value on active church ministering to complement your classroom education. All of our degree-seeking students have the opportunity to serve with mentors in the church.

The high value of your CKC education is evident in that 100 percent of our graduates are actively serving in churches. If you want to know the Bible, develop a heart for soul winning, and dynamically serve the kingdom of God without running up a lot of college debt, Christian Kingdom College is the place for you.



Cincinnati Christian University

Among the undenominational churches associated with the Restoration Movement, Cincinnati Christian University is strategically located in an urban center in the geographical heart of America. Because of our unique urban location, just 10 minutes from downtown, our students have numerous opportunities to serve our community. All of our students are encouraged to serve the Lord and his church, and our traditional undergraduate program still requires students to complete Christian service as part of their college work. An independent study in 2008 showed that in one year CCU volunteered 40,000 hours in community service projects. Not only is CCU training students to serve in our community, but last year through our Center for Urban and Global Outreach, students were offered the opportunity to minister cross-culturally on nine short-term mission trips.

Every student at CCU majors in biblical studies and pursues a second major or minor in a professional field””ministry, music, education, psychology, business, or communication. CCU holds three accreditations. And with CCU”s membership in the Greater Cincinnati Coalition of Colleges and Universities, our students have the option of completing their coursework at one of 14 area colleges.

Inside and outside the classroom, in one-on-one interaction with our students, and in the larger realm of scholarly debate, our professors are standing strong for God”s Word in a culture where many are confused about matters of faith. CCU has a noble track record of recruiting, educating, and sending out effective ministers of the gospel, and it”s our goal to greatly increase the number of kingdom workers we will equip in the years ahead.

The mission of Cincinnati Christian University is to teach men and women to live by biblical principles and to equip and empower them with Christian character, skills, insight, and vision to lead the church and to impact society for Christ. It”s our vision to “teach thousands who will reach millions” for Christ.

Colegio Biblico

Colegio Biblico is a pioneer in Hispanic evangelism in the United States; the majority of ministers of Hispanic Christian Churches are graduates of Colegio Biblico. And the rapid growth of the U.S.”s Hispanic population (more than 60 million at present) creates a need for more Spanish-speaking preachers that is impossible for Colegio Biblico graduates to fulfill, even if all of them were to minister in the United States.

Americans must get involved in Hispanic evangelism, and Colegio Biblico, an established institution, is a great place to start.



College of the Scriptures

The Great Commission is to “make disciples.” College of the Scriptures”s focus is upon those who have been least evangelized and least acquainted with the vision of the New Testament church as portrayed in Acts.

College of the Scriptures began in 1945 with the goal of reaching and training African-Americans for ministry among their own people, as well as around the world. At the time, Blacks were excluded from education in most white schools. Over the years social and legal restrictions on all races have eased, creating a new environment, yet in many ways the need for evangelism among minorities has never been greater.

The U. S. Census Bureau reported that in 2000 there were 36.4 million African-Americans in the U.S., representing 12.9 percent of our population. That figure, Census workers believe, has increased to 15.6 percent. But the total number of Black congregations within independent Christian churches is no more than 129 nationwide””or only about 2.4 percent. The need is obvious.

College of the Scriptures”s focus continues to be upon the minorities, African-American and now Latino. We are committed to training evangelists, training leaders for the local congregation, starting new congregations, and aiding existing congregations.

We are doing this through a variety of programs designed to meet the challenge and need for minority evangelism within the continental United States. Would you like to be a part of this? Are you challenged by the need? Are you obedient to the Lord”s command to “make disciples”? Then study with us. More than that, enter the field and labor with us until the Lord comes!


Crossroads College

Education is so much more than just knowledge. The value of analytical thinking and practical application are critical parts of the educational process. While Crossroads College students gain insights and information about the Bible, the world, theology, ministry, and many other areas of study, it is normal to see students, professors, and staff interacting formally and informally about what their study means and how it impacts our lives.

The faculty and staff at Crossroads believe it is vital that we not just inform learners, but also develop and coach each other to be Christian leaders who impact the world for Christ. Crossroads College provides excellence in the classroom, throughout campus, and into the surrounding communities. This excellence and Christian spirit is evident among students who achieve academic honors and demonstrate changed lives.

Your education is more than a “value” at Crossroads; rather, we see it imbedded into who we are, fulfilling our mission of training leaders with eternal results.



Dallas Christian College

When it comes to value, Dallas Christian College is a leader in our region. For about the same price as one of our regional public universities (tuition, room, and board), you can receive a private college education at DCC. And we are priced far lower than most other private colleges in the region. However, our low price is not our greatest value.

Our mission is to “Educate and Mentor Students to be People of Influence, under God”s Influence, for a Life of Influence.” Specifically, we prepare students for service in church leadership, business, education, and psychology.

There are no colleges of any size or price range in Texas that match our unique blend of in-depth biblical studies in the classroom, coupled with frontline experience in urban ministries, church planting, and international missions. When combined with focused mentoring programs available for every student, and the flexibility of taking classes in the traditional, accelerated, or online format, the value of a DCC education is in a field of its own.

If you want to prepare for a “Life of Influence,” there may be no better value in Texas or beyond.


Emmanuel School of Religion

When you come to Emmanuel School of Religion, your education is of the highest value. That still means something today, because strong practical ministry skills support growing and vibrant churches and they are effective in reaching the lost. High standards and high expectations produce high value””the value of true discipleship, loving Christian community, and a strong commitment to mission both at home and abroad.

High value means learning to study and read the Bible in a way that helps the individual and the world. Our classroom instruction provides attention to the whole Word of God””the true and firm foundation for teaching, correcting, reproving, and training in righteousness. But why read and study the Bible if you cannot connect with the people all around you? More is needed, so your education at Emmanuel will include careful study of the varied and many cultures of our world so devoid of “spiritual things” or so overwhelmed by inappropriate and oppressive spiritual forces. The Bible brings truth into these contexts with power.

Any measure of the value of your education will be measured by how long you remain in ministry and how well you can maintain your energy and enthusiasm. Have you been spiritually formed? That is, can you sense God”s presence and respond to it more closely day by day? Developing a deep and lasting well of spirituality that gives drink to passionate ministry through disciplines of study, prayer, discernment, fellowship, and worship is the Emmanuel way. High standards, high expectations, and excellence in teaching practices shape “leading servants” of Jesus Christ who have the ability to multiply ministry through educating, preparing, and supporting others.

This is the high value of education at Emmanuel School of Religion!





Florida Christian College

Florida Christian College prepares men and women in a multicultural setting to take the gospel to the whole world. FCC was created to enlist an army of Christian leaders who are empowered to plant and grow churches. FCC is centrally located in a state of more than 18 million people. Nine million people in Florida have no relationship with Jesus Christ. That number is 2 million more than the total population of Indiana, and about 3.5 million more people than live in Kentucky. The field is ready for harvest and the need for prepared leaders is huge.

With a faculty-student ratio of 1 to 14, superb Bible scholars lead a dedicated faculty to provide a quality learning environment that features significant interaction with students. Florida Christian College offers a faith-building curriculum for students who want to change the world.


Great Lakes Christian College

As the world constantly changes, it is crucial for students to have a strong education grounded in Christian values. The mission of Great Lakes Christian College is to “prepare students to be servant-leaders in the church and world.” It is critical for students to have a firm educational background grounded in a biblical worldview to indeed be servant-leaders.

GLCC offers students the education they need to make a difference in today”s society. Fully accredited, the college offers education recognized as high quality by students transferring credits to or from the college as well as the schools where they also study. Sixty percent of the teaching faculty have earned doctorate degrees and are exceedingly knowledgeable in their areas, and every faculty member has a passion for his or her students.

Great Lakes also offers students a Christian foundation for their education. All students graduating with a bachelor”s degree have majored in Bible/theology. The student/staff/faculty community is active in one another”s lives and encourages each other in their walk with Christ.

As the need for Christ in the world intensifies, the need grows for students to be highly educated and knowledgeable in God”s Word. GLCC continues to be an institution of higher education committed to that goal.




Hope International University

Christian higher education at Hope International University is “value-added” education for both students and the church. Hope students are taught and mentored by committed Christian faculty who challenge and encourage them to learn and grow. Students are challenged to develop their knowledge of the world””through the various academic disciplines””and connect it with their growing knowledge of the Word. This integration of faith and learning requires the solid biblical foundation offered by HIU.

In addition, students are challenged to develop skills in analytical and evaluative thinking, strategizing, and problem solving. Extraordinary opportunities for hands-on learning provide students with real-world experience and valuable mentor feedback.

Hope faculty and student services staff also engage students with programs designed to stimulate their progress in spiritual formation and growth as leaders. The level of personal faculty attention and interaction throughout the curriculum provides students with more opportunities””with more meaningful feedback from faculty””to practice and develop writing and speaking skills than is typical of most experiences in higher education.

This “value-added” education positions students to be well equipped for further graduate education, for pursuing chosen careers, for embarking on new chapters in their adult lives, for ongoing, lifelong learning, and for personal success. But most of all, Hope faculty challenge students to offer their learning, skills, and passions back to God in service to his church and its mission.

This is “value-added” education for the church, whether our graduates are paid church staff, cross-cultural missionaries, teachers, business managers, counselors, or therapists. While God can and does use all who will offer themselves to God, Hope is dedicated to the proposition that we can be even more useful as we offer ourselves to him through dedicating ourselves to rigorous, disciplined preparation for service. Hope International University is a place where learning leads to serving.

Johnson Bible College

Everyone has a vision of what a better world looks like. The real question is how will you prepare yourself to make that better world””and your life within it””a reality?

For more than 115 years, Johnson Bible College has helped bright, service-minded students answer that very question. JBC”s challenging curriculum and Christ-centered environment provide a powerful combination that fosters strong bonds, bold purpose, and endless possibilities.

Johnson”s outstanding academic reputation is driven by faculty who bring a passion for teaching, deeply connected Christian community, and technologically advanced facilities.

The school exists to prepare students for specialized Christian ministries with special emphasis on preaching. All students major in Bible and can complement their studies with a second major or a minor in one of several areas of ministry. Students graduate with the knowledge, skills, and perspective to be effective, compassionate leaders.

At JBC, we think of ourselves as more than a community. We are a family. Our beautiful campus just outside of Knoxville, Tennessee, provides our students, faculty, and staff countless opportunities for spiritual growth and outdoor fun.

Taking the Word into the world and offering service to those in need is a major part of JBC”s mission. Through inner-city ministries, ministries to children and youth, and missions in countries around the world, students at JBC deliver a powerful message of grace and hope impacting countless lives.

JBC has an unparalleled commitment to academic excellence, and takes pride in offering that experience to students regardless of their financial situation. No private school in Tennessee can match JBC in value. In fact, in an average year more than 90 percent of students receive some form of financial assistance.



Kentucky Christian University

Kentucky Christian University . . . a priceless education at an affordable price! At KCU, every student completes 30 hours of Bible curriculum””this is at the very heart of who we are. Along with those 30 hours, students have the opportunity to be prepared to serve in the local church, or as a nurse, social worker, educator, musician, businessperson . . . and the list goes on.

You do not need to sacrifice your Christian values to become the person God is calling you to be. Be surrounded by godly men and women who have dedicated their lives to teaching young people to become strong Christian leaders in today”s world. Benefit from the small, safe campus environment where you are known and loved by faculty and staff. And remember, the single greatest influence during the college years does not come from the faculty, but from other students. Enjoy the benefits of being surrounded by professing Christians who will become lifelong friends. KCU . . . a priceless education at an affordable rate!




Lincoln Christian College and Seminary

An education at Lincoln Christian College and Seminary is an adventure in learning to love God with all your heart, soul, mind, and strength.

The word adventure captures the energizing and renewing relationships that occur with highly competent faculty and staff who have the students” best interests at heart. It is an adventure defined by the incalculable transformation of mind by the Word of God translated into effective leadership and effusive servanthood. Life together on our campus and through our community fosters a global vision for God and a local passion for the body of Christ.

This adventure is predicated on an interdisciplinary approach to general studies, biblical theological coursework, extensive ministry experiences, and the hard work of articulating a Christian worldview. We prepare students for life, leadership, and loyalty to Christ as a means of enriching the mission of Christ in the world.

We invite you to share in the adventure of discovering and engaging your life”s calling.




Louisville Bible College

For 60 years, Louisville Bible College has remained committed to educating preachers and other Christian workers for Christ”s church. A recent survey of our students and alumni indicated four highly valued characteristics about the college.

First, in an age of relativism, LBC is committed to teaching what is true to the Bible. In an atmosphere of excellent academic standards and with a firm belief in the principles of the Restoration Movement, we unashamedly elevate the Scriptures above the opinions and traditions of men.

Second, our faculty members are of the highest quality. All professors and instructors hold a master”s degree, and many of them have earned more than one. Nine have a doctorate, and three more are engaged in doctoral studies. Also, because our faculty members are currently serving in ministries, they bring practical experience to the classroom. Perhaps this is why more than 80 percent of our graduates hold ministry positions.

Third, our class schedule accommodates the needs of busy students. Daytime, evening, weekend, modular, online, and accelerated classes provide a variety of choices for those who are often already engaged in ministry.

Fourth, because of the generous support of churches and individuals, LBC is able to offer quality education at a low cost. Our tuition rates are one-half to one-third of most Bible colleges.

Louisville is a centrally located Midwestern city, providing easy access to rural, urban, and suburban areas where opportunities for ministry are virtually unlimited. Louisville Bible College is an exceptional place to study God”s Word in an atmosphere of conservative scholarship.




Manhattan Christian College

The value of an education from Manhattan Christian College can best be measured in a life that is devoted to Jesus Christ, reflects his character, and is committed to service. MCC educates, equips, and enriches Christian leaders who will make a difference in the lives of others.

Committed to winning the world to Christ, MCC was founded with the conviction that every member of the body of Christ is a minister.

MCC is uniquely located across the street from Kansas State University, which allows our students to experience “the best of both worlds.” While enrolling in MCC”s curriculum centered on the Bible as the Word of God, they can take advantage of the school”s partnerships with KSU and Manhattan Area Technical College to train for careers that will meet the broad needs of people everywhere.

Student life is designed to build Christian character. An emphasis on prayer, worship, Bible study, service, and building relationships with other believers strengthens the faith and builds the character of an individual over four years.

At MCC, professors lead by example. They know their students” names and they help to guide them with godly advice. They help each person understand the Word of God so it will impact their decision making and view of the world.

The investment a person makes in an education at Manhattan Christian College pays kingdom dividends. As servants of Jesus Christ, MCC students are trained to strive for excellence in ministry and life.




Maritime Christian College

Maritime Christian College is located on Prince Edward Island in Atlantic Canada, north of Maine. MCC”s academic standards are comparable to other accredited schools. Ministry requires a higher level of preparation due to the increased burden placed upon it by a society whose worldview is not Christian. The college”s goal is to prepare students to meet this challenge.

Mission-minded students can experience a different culture just across the border while studying for their degree. Prince Edward Island has a cross section of cultures living and studying there: Japanese, Chinese, Korean, and Middle Eastern.




Mid-South Christian College

Mid-South Christian College has a unique approach to ministerial preparation that is based on “action learning.” Each year incoming freshmen join a Ministry Task Force, a cohort group of students who work together in the classroom and in ministerial formation. Each cohort team is given a real-world ministry project. Over the next few years, under the mentorship of a faculty member, the task force defines, strategizes, implements, and evaluates an actual ministry project, such as a church plant, revitalization, or new ministry outreach. Coursework is designed to be a companion to the fieldwork the students are accomplishing, rather than a simple theoretical survey of issues. The team graduates together, not just having studied about ministry, but having actually completed a team ministry project.



Milligan College

Milligan strives to ensure that its education is one of the wisest and soundest investments for students””both personally and professionally.

Milligan provides students with a great education and the encouragement to use that education to make a difference in the lives of others””we challenge students to “Raise YOUR World.” Through quality academics and a focused Christian commitment, Milligan students explore their passions, refine their talents, and affirm their faith in order to make a difference. Milligan students and alumni are making an incredible difference as ministers, doctors, teachers, communication specialists, attorneys, authors, social workers, and business people.

More and more people continue to recognize the value of Milligan College. For the second year in a row, Milligan reached a record enrollment. And the college earned the No. 6 spot among Best Baccalaureate Colleges in the South in the 2009 edition of “America”s Best Colleges” by US News & World Report. The college also is heartened by the support of alumni and friends, which is strong even in the midst of an economic downturn. All of this points very clearly to the value of a Milligan education.



Nebraska Christian College

Nebraska Christian College believes excellent preparation for ministry breeds excellence in ministry over an entire life. NCC is dedicated to engaging students in a manner that allows Jesus to bear fruit in their lives. NCC”s objective for her graduates to think biblically, communicate clearly, lead courageously, and love compassionately bears incredible value for today”s student. The stakes are too high to settle for an education inflated with knowledge but void of the wisdom that flows from the “fear of the Lord.”

While costs at most colleges continue to rise, the goal at NCC is to help students recognize that Christian education is a long-term investment. The study of Scripture, the opportunity for selfless acts of service, and the desire for a student to become “like Jesus” in his everyday choices is not a cost, but a benefit to the church of tomorrow . . . and today! Through NCC”s Mentored Ministry component, every student is involved in a mentoring relationship that helps shape head, heart, and hands for a life of ministry for Christ.



Northwest Christian University

Northwest Christian University is a liberal arts institution with a vision to be known for its integration of excellent academic programs, a foundation in the Christian faith, and a focus on teaching leadership and ethics. NCU”s mission is to develop competent, ethical leaders for service in the workplace, community, church, and world. The accredited university was founded in 1895 and is affiliated with the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) and the Christian churches/churches of Christ. NCU offers 15 traditional undergraduate degree programs, four master”s degree programs, and a professional studies program for working adults.



Ozark Christian College

Vince Vigil is part of history. Vince was part of OCC”s class of 2008, the largest in the school”s 66-year history. More than 90 percent of Ozark”s graduates head into vocational ministry, and this class”s plans were, in order: missions, student ministry, and preaching. Vince and his wife, Joy, will be serving in Uganda with Good News Productions, International.

Ozark remains a classic Bible college, so Vince and his classmates each took more than 50 hours of Bible classes, while also receiving cutting-edge ministry training. (For example, OCC”s church-planting program in New York City in cooperation with Orchard Group has earned praise as strategic and highly practical.) And this training happens in the context of personal relationships, as campus minister Kevin Greer recently implemented campuswide mentoring small groups.

Our ABHE-accredited institution just launched a $3.9 million capital campaign entitled “One Leader at a Time” that will provide scholarship monies, upgrade campus technology, and help fulfill the college”s vision to reach the world for Christ, one leader at a time. Ozark sends out each graduate, like Vince, to capture a little piece of world geography for Jesus. The more leaders we prepare, the more of the world we reach, so pray that God will send us more students like Vince and Joy (Matthew 9:38).



Roanoke Bible College

Not many generations ago, preachers were among the most educated people in society. The need for academically gifted Christian students to meet the intellectual challenges of anti-Christian attacks has never been greater. Recent popular fiction such as The Da Vinci Code and popularized writings by atheists such as Christopher Hitchens and Richard Dawkins have weakened the faith of many believers and deterred nonbelievers. These works at first may sound convincing, but they do not stand up to scrutiny. But who is willing to learn to challenge the arguments of these and others? Many Christian parents seem to live by the motto, “If you can do anything but ministry, do it.” As a Bible college educator, I want to counter that notion with a different appeal: “Send us your best.”

I heard about a gifted student a number of years ago who was recruited to play major college sports. The student, who loved the Lord and was part of a dynamic youth group, was interested in preparing at Bible college to serve the Lord in full-time Christian service. His parents, however, felt he could do so much “better.” He dutifully obeyed his parents, attended a major university on an athletic scholarship, and graduated. I have heard no reports, but I am confident he is faithfully serving the Lord no matter what he is doing. However, that is but one very gifted young man who loved the Lord who did not go into the ministry.

From leaders in local congregations to campus ministers to those engaged in conversations in coffee shops, the church needs trained Christians to teach people truth in convincing ways. Meeting challenges of skeptics is vital; not meeting them is fatal; learning to meet them is demanding. Our Bible colleges offer rigorous education to train such leaders, no matter what their vocation. Send us your best: your mind, your money, your self, and your children. The saved and the lost are depending on us all.



Saint Louis Christian College

For the third straight year, Saint Louis Christian College”s enrollment exceeded 300 students. A new feature that enhances the college”s commitment of offering full-tuition scholarships is the opportunity for people near Saint Louis to attend a free, three-hour college class entitled “Jesus 101, The Life of Christ,” which is offered one night a week each semester. Fifteen students attended the first class and 50 percent expressed interest in continuing their education after the class was completed. SLCC maintains an enrollment that includes 30 percent minorities. The inter-cultural ministry department of the college has revamped its program to focus more on urban ministry. This program uses SLCC”s north city campus, where students live in one of the most challenging areas of the city, tutor children at the North City Church of Christ, and take classes in north city as well as on the main campus.



Summit Christian College

When a person is evaluating the purpose and value of an education, one thing to consider is the highest purpose of life. The Scriptures tell us the highest purpose of a life is to live it in Christ, for the glory and praise of God (Colossians 3:17). This happens when one is personally growing in the grace and knowledge of Christ and is involved in ministry to the church and world. Accordingly, an education that allows the student to experience personal transformation in Christ while preparing for ministry is of the highest value for the individual, church, and world.

Summit Christian College is committed to Christian education that lays a lifelong foundation for anyone who desires to see God”s purposes individually and globally. Some practical ways Summit seeks to do this is by keeping the Word of God central in its education and providing mentored ministry opportunities through the local congregations and summer mission trips. Summit has also worked hard to keep tuition costs affordable so its graduates have no school debt.

If you are considering a Christian education to help you grow in Christlikeness and prepare for service in the kingdom of God, we welcome you to come grow and serve with us at Summit Christian College.



Summit Theological Seminary

What high value can you obtain from Summit Theological Seminary?

First, Summit”s Independent Studies program allows even the busiest students to work toward degree completion.

Second, this education is available at a low cost. Our emphasis is not so much on money as the priceless Word of God. Summit focuses on the vision of God”s Word and uses this as the basis of all teaching so others can grow spiritually. The cost of our material and fees has not risen in years.

Third, Summit offers a variety of courses and subjects to help one obtain knowledge to use in the Lord”s kingdom for teaching, preaching, witnessing, and personal spiritual growth. Our online College Catalog can be viewed at www.summit1.edu under our Admissions tab.

At $30 per credit hour for undergraduates and $50 per credit hour for graduates, Summit is much more than a bargain!



TCM International Institute

TCM students have an amazing opportunity. In a typical class there may be eight to 10 nationalities represented. Professors come from seven different countries with an incredible variety of ministry backgrounds. Opportunities for international fellowship, networking, friendships, and ministry abound.

Add to that a program that focuses on the spiritual, professional, and academic formation of every student””and a campus located in the foothills of the Alps just outside of Vienna””and you have a very rich and rewarding experience that keeps head, heart, hands, and feet all moving in kingdom directions.




William Jessup University

At William Jessup University, education is about more. Students develop patterns of thought, heart, and action that transform their college experience and prepare them to become world-changers. Students experience an excellent academic program underscored by biblical principles.

With just under 500 students, WJU offers a full traditional undergraduate Christian liberal arts program, as well as an adult degree completion program. WJU is a residential campus with excellent cocurricular programming that includes a highly competitive collegiate athletic program (soccer, basketball, volleyball, golf, cross country, and track), vibrant student life activities, a nationally recognized student leadership program, a variety of popular musical events and genres, international study and missions opportunities abroad, and a unique volunteer service program that actively engages the community.


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Leading Like Jesus

To lead like Jesus is first and foremost to make a deep commitment to personal formation. It emerges from followership and the fruit of the Spirit of God within us.

A Movement of Leaders and Leadership Development

Spiritual development became the process by which leaders were developed in the early years of the Restoration Movement, as fellow sojourners would spur one another on in the search for truth.

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