By Jennifer Taylor
Not one but TWO new campuses of Community Christian Church (Naperville, IL) launched this past weekend!
Campus pastor Dave Richa and his team rehabbed the former Shale Harbor Church in Lemont, IL.
“Currently, Shale Harbor has multiple small church communities around the country,” says an article about the new site. “When Shale Harbor members felt the Lemont church wasn”t realizing its redemptive potential, they sought out the partnership with Community Christian, said Dave Ferguson, lead pastor of Community Christian Church.”
The launch team included people from both Shale Harbor and CCC.
Community also launched a new campus in the Lincoln Square area of Chicago. Many individuals and families from Community, including campus pastor Tammy Melchien, relocated from the suburbs to make the new church a reality. Because the campus held its first meeting at the Chappell Elementary School, on Sunday the worshipers bought 150 books for the school and donated an additional $260 so Chappell””which has not been able to buy new books for two years””could stock its library. Click here to read more!