29 September, 2024

NACC: A Blend of the Fresh and Familiar


by | 14 February, 2010 | 0 comments

By Ben Cachiaras

Special Guests

A trademark of the convention will be great preaching at our main sessions, anchored by some of our movement”s strong speakers, like Brian Jones, Dick Alexander with Mary Kamau, George Ross, and Gene Appel.

In addition, we will welcome some special friends as guests; Christian brothers we have invited to share with us, and from whom we can benefit, include Efrem Smith, Francis Chan, Rick Warren, and others.

Added to that will be rich worship experiences led by Eric Olson and the team from Mountain Christian Church

of Joppa, Mary-land; Bible studies led by John-ny Pressley, Tim Harlow, and Lee, Pat, and Ethan Magness; service projects; ministry mentoring opportunities; and plenty of opportunities to network and connect with servants from all over the place. The result, I”m sure you will agree, will be a high-impact conference.

What”s New?

In addition to the Children”s Convention and a Seniors Track (with a special event by Ben Merold), an off-the-charts Women”s Conference is planned for the ladies, with special guest Carol Kent. The Teen Convention will be awesome with great music and Todd Clark; and this year students will join the adult evening main sessions, which will issue challenges to both adults and students.

Here are some other new features:

“¢ Thursday night will be Family Night. Kids will join the main session service, which will feature The Rock & The Rabbi“”a creative, Broadway-caliber production that combines powerful storytelling and original music to present the story of Christ in a way that is so compelling and moving you just have to experience it.

“¢ Workshop tracks are geared to take us BEYOND in areas like preaching, leadership, church planting and multisite issues, and small groups. But this year there will be new tracks like the one on Justice Issues so we can talk about ministry to the poor, caring for those on the margins, and how we can care for God”s creation without being a tree hugger.

“¢ There will also be a new track called THINK! to engage potentially thorny issues. The NACC needs to be a place where we model how to study and approach issues like ministry to homosexuals, women in ministry, and others. Instead of merely sweeping them under the rug, or labeling those who disagree with us as idiots, we can think, pray, and study them together in humility and respect.

“¢ We”ll be joined this year by the Filipino American Christian Convention, meeting in conjunction with the NACC.

Put all of this in downtown Indi-anapolis this July and you”ve got a convention you won”t want to miss. Even in this economy, and with other conferences from which to choose, the NACC is a great investment for you and your family. Let”s come together.

Register online at www.gotonacc.org and until then, follow us on Facebook.

Ben Cachiaras, senior pastor with Mountain Christian Church, Joppa, Maryland, is a contributing editor for CHRISTIAN STANDARD and a member of Standard Publishing”s Publishing Committee. He is serving as president of the 2010 NACC.

Visit the NACC’s Web site


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