30 September, 2024

The Message Is Relentless


by | 15 August, 2011 | 0 comments

The advertisement for Beth Guckenberger's book "Relentless Hope" on the hood of Michael McDowell's NASCAR entry.

By Dale Reeves

When Beth Guckenberger told me that we had an opportunity to advertise the cover of her book, Relentless Hope, on a car that would be racing in the Quaker State 400 Sprint Cup on July 9, 2011, I was absolutely thrilled! I immediately shared with my marketing manager the opportunity to have Standard Publishing represented at the Kentucky Speedway. We started wondering, Has anyone ever advertised a book in a NASCAR race before?

Before long we were providing art files to NASCAR driver and Back2Back supporter Michael McDowell, and we quickly realized that he is a great voice for the orphan, for Back2Back Ministries, and for Standard Publishing. When I got a chance to meet with Michael in his “hauler” on race day, I saw even more of his heart and passion for Christ””and for the things that Christ cares about. And how awesome it was to pray on the track with Beth, Michael, and his wife and son just before the race began.

Beth Guckenberger on race day.

We had the opportunity to partner with Back2Back at two conventions prior to and just after the NASCAR race. At the North American Christian Convention in Cincinnati, Ohio, Beth spoke to 700 at the women”s luncheon, led a standing-room only workshop dealing with reckless faith, and had a successful book signing in our booth in the exhibit hall. And the next week Beth represented Back2Back and Standard Publishing at the International Christian Retail Show in Atlanta, Georgia, signing books and doing numerous interviews concerning orphan care and Relentless Hope (including several TV shows and the radio programs Living with Joy and Teen Talk Radio).

It has been a great experience to partner with Beth in developing and releasing Relentless Hope, her first book with Standard Publishing. We give praise to God for the many people whose lives have been touched as a result of reading this book that delivers honest testimonies and relentless hope in the midst of sticky situations and challenging questions. As Beth likes to say, “The story”s not over yet,” and we look forward to hearing many great reports of how God has relentlessly reached down into the lives of those who have encountered his grace in the pages of this book.

To get a sneak peak inside Relentless Hope, check out www.standardpub.com/promotions/relentlesshope/.

Praying before the race.

Dale Reeves is acquisitions editor for adult ministry resources at Standard Publishing, Cincinnati, Ohio.

NASCAR driver Michael McDowell before the race.




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