6 March, 2025

NACC 2012: Different, but the Same


by | 5 March, 2012 | 0 comments

By Tom Claibourne

Some words just don”t seem to belong together, even though we use them that way all the time. Consider: well-known secret; jumbo shrimp (is there really such a thing?); dead livestock; objective opinion; United Nations; drive-through window (which, in reality, would require a very large window and result in a very angry building owner).

Here are two more odd combinations: different and same; convention and refreshing.

As much as I have appreciated my experiences at various conventions, conferences, family camps, and clinics, I have departed from most of them with some good insights and a few new friends, but also with a fried brain and a weary body. Seldom do such events allow much time for rest, reflection, or processing. The jam-packed schedules send us breathlessly racing between sessions, meetings, and worship gatherings. If we desire an hour to pray or to journal our thoughts, we often have to skip a session to do it, and then fear that we may miss the inspiration or information we needed most.

Not exactly refreshing!


A Different Approach

The 2012 NACC, “Refreshed,” will be different. Yes, we will still enjoy challenging preaching; music that directs our hearts toward God; excellent children”s, women”s, and seniors” programming; inspiring and practical workshops and Bible studies; and ministry exhibits that connect us to works of God beyond our own sphere of service. However, we will experience those blessings with a bit less pressure.

The leadership team has been committed throughout the 19 months of planning to embrace the vacation atmosphere of Orlando, Florida, the No. 1 family tourist destination in the world, and encourage families to include the NACC in their vacation plans. The committee is working closely with airlines, the Walt Disney Company, and other Orlando attractions to provide special package deals for families before and after the convention.

Special opportunities are being arranged by the NACC and Bible Bowl for Friday after the convention ends. Packages include admission from 2:00 p.m. until closing at either Epcot or the Magic Kingdom, including round-trip transportation from the convention site.

Consider some other refreshing changes.


Same Convention Format, but a Unique Setting

The entire event will be held at the Orlando World Center Marriott Resort. Lodging, sessions, restaurants, and exhibits will all be under one roof, with golf, tennis, and lagoon-like pools available on the surrounding grounds. An amazing discount rate has been negotiated for the 2,000 sleeping rooms.

The plush, carpeted ballrooms and meeting areas offer a warm, inviting atmosphere for workshops, meetings, and even the exhibits. Main sessions will be held in the largest pillar-free resort ballroom in the United States.

Since no other groups will be using the resort during the convention, we can design the experience for our maximum benefit throughout the complex, and even distribute NACC news and reminders from room to room. A prayer walk will be developed outside on the beautiful grounds.


Same Connecting Opportunities, but Much Simpler

Being under one roof will be ideal for a convention long known as “The Connecting Place.” Since travel time to hotels and eating establishments will be virtually eliminated, there will be extra time to sit and renew long-term relationships with seldom-seen ministry friends under a palm tree, in comfortable lounge chairs, or near a waterfall.

The planning team envisions this NACC as a family reunion for those who share the Restoration heritage in Christian churches and churches of Christ. All branches of the family tree are invited to connect, encourage, and be reminded of our common hope in Christ.

Designated gathering areas will be available for certain groups to connect with like-minded ministry leaders (church planters, campus ministry personnel, leaders of smaller churches, and more). Some will be one-time assemblies, while others will be staffed throughout much of the convention.


Same Basic Schedule and Learning Opportunities, but More Relaxed

Another special feature will be the unique format and repetition of some 90-minute seminars. At 8:45 on Wednesday and Thursday mornings, four Featured Seminars will be held in large assembly halls. After a 30-minute presentation by a main speaker, there will be guided table group discussions for the next half hour. During the final segment, the speakers will respond to questions raised in the group discussions.

Then at 2:30 in the afternoon, those same four seminars will be repeated, allowing attendees to decide if they would rather sleep later or have much of their afternoon free.

Several smaller workshops and Bible studies will also be available during those time slots for people drawn to a particular topic, or to a more traditional format.


Same Encouragement for Ministry Leaders, but More Intentional

A high priority for the 2012 convention will be to honor the ministry itself, as well as individuals who serve in vocational ministry. One evening we will recognize those who have passed on to their eternal reward between July 2011 and July 2012, in much the same way as the motion picture industry honors its deceased annually during the Academy Awards ceremony.

The gathering areas mentioned above will be comfortable settings for interaction, prayer, coaching, and healthy conversation. Those struggling with deeper issues can even be connected with qualified counselors and life coaches who focus specifically on those serving in ministry.

We will celebrate and recognize throughout the week some of the many significant and substantive ways God is working through our fellowship of churches. While acknowledging our imperfections, we want to help dispel the inferiority complex some seem to have developed concerning our movement. A special video presentation will remind us that our extensive kingdom impact is something to celebrate.

A highlight of the week will be a Friday morning Commissioning Ceremony led by Bob Russell. The planning committee is working with our schools and some sponsors to bring to Orlando many of the 2012 graduates who are entering vocational ministry. These men and women will be encouraged throughout the week, introduced on Friday to the convention audience, and then commissioned for kingdom work.

You will not want to miss these opportunities to honor servant leaders, and to be personally encouraged.


Same Goals, but Expressed More Succinctly

When someone attends a conference, that person usually hopes one or more of the following things will happen: he or she will be inspired, healed, or stretched. The 2012 NACC has been planned with those three goals in mind. The decision making process has constantly been governed by how well a certain event, session, or speaker can achieve one or more of these goals.

So, come experience healing and renewal through a listening ear, a word of hope, or a supportive ministry peer. Come be stretched by hearing a new voice, a powerful challenge, or a practical idea. Come be inspired by what God is doing in other places, and by renewing a sense of God”s call in your own life.

The 2012 NACC will be different, but the same. By the way, seriously fun convention is not an oxymoron.

Come be Refreshed!


Tom Claibourne ministers with Bethlehem Church of Christ near Winchester, Ohio, and serves as secretary-treasurer of the 2012 NACC. 


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