3 October, 2024

Shaping Special Hearts


by | 2 March, 2014 | 0 comments

By Vangie Rodenbeck

For many years I struggled with what it meant that my son had been created in God”s image, even though his central nervous system and brain hinder his capacity to participate fully in many activities. A better understanding of who God is, as revealed in Scripture, equipped me to see a God who finds beauty in weakness. When we embrace the stories of Scripture, such as the parable of the great banquet (Luke 14:15-24), that tell of a creator who values and cherishes the small, the weak, and the marginalized, we can be empowered with courage and faith to move away from these old models of ministry to the disabled to new ideas about ministry with the differently abled.

Standard Publishing”s HeartShaper curriculum is built on the premise that the hearts of children can and should be shaped by God”s Word. This quarterly resource focuses on one 02_Rodenbeck_JNbiblical truth each lesson, keeping it ever close to the story of Scripture. Rich in visual and auditory aids, HeartShaper is the ideal curriculum for special needs adaptation. Its multisensory format provides a host of learning modalities for the learner to experience as the Bible shapes his or her heart.

The Shaping Special Hearts newsletter builds on this biblically centered approach acknowledging that the hearts of children with special needs are also available for shaping. This free 15-page download contains the following components:

An inspirational article that focuses on seeing the image of God in and through disability. Designed to encourage and inspire, this feature is an excellent resource to pass along to church leaders, volunteers, and parents of children with special needs.

Age-level insights follow the HeartShaper quarterly curriculum. These lesson adaptations provide teachers and volunteers with ongoing education in ways to make small changes to lessons that may make them friendlier for students with special needs. These can be used within a classroom in an inclusive format, or in a self-contained special needs classroom setting.

Teacher Tips and Encouragements spark ideas for classroom management and provide further resources for adaptation.


Vangie Rodenbeck is director of resources at PURE Ministries in Gainesville, Georgia. She is a writer, speaker, and mother of a child with autism. She hosts an online radio show devoted to helping parents and teachers meet special needs. For details, look for the Shaping Special Hearts segments at www.blogtalkradio.com/cmconnect.


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