3 October, 2024

Your NACC Planner


by | 7 March, 2014 | 0 comments

By Jennifer Johnson

In American Religion: Contemporary Trends, author Mark Chaves reports the percentage of people in the United States who say they “never” attend church has risen steadily over the last 30 years, and that if current trends continue, we will soon be a “Protestant-minority” country. Warren Bird, director of research for Leadership Network, recently blogged that 125 million Americans””more than 1 out of 3″”haven”t attended any religious services in the last year, and writes, “That number alone would be the 10th largest country in the world!”

At this year”s North American Christian Convention, President Tim Harlow will challenge us to a new urgency in reaching the lost and renewing our passion for the call. You”ll be challenged, convicted, and sometimes even surprised. Most of all, you”ll REdiscover, REthink and REcommit to your mission. Join us in Indianapolis this summer!


03_NACC_speakers_JNTuesday, July 8: “See”

7 p.m. Main Session””Things kick off with an opening session featuring Harlow, senior pastor at Parkview Christian Church, Orland Park, Illinois, and an interview with Rick Warren, senior pastor at Saddleback Church, Lake Forest, California, and best-
selling author of The Purpose-Driven Life and The Daniel Plan: 40 Days to a Healthier Life.

8:30 p.m. President”s Opening Night Reception””Join Harlow (and thousands of others!) for some fabulous food and a great kickoff to the week. Harlow and his family will be available to meet and greet you from “The HUB” in the Exhibit Hall.


Wednesday, July 9: “Connect”

7:30 a.m. Ministry Networking Breakfast””Wednesday and Thursday, take advantage of this opportunity to enjoy breakfast and conversation with others in your area of ministry. Whether you”re a lead minister, worship pastor, kids director, or volunteer ministry leader, you”ll find “kindred spirits” and great resources.

8:30 a.m. Bible Study””Jeff Walling, senior minister with Providence Road Church of Christ, Charlotte, North Carolina, will teach this year”s Bible studies. Walling combines solid biblical teaching with humor and story to make the text come alive.

10:00 a.m. Main Session””On this morning we welcome Vince Antonucci and Liz Curtis Higgs as the main session speakers. You”ll enjoy learning from these two very different but very gifted speakers as Antonucci shares about planting a church called Verve in Las Vegas and Higgs discusses her experiences doing outreach and discipleship as a new believer.

Noon, Seniors” Luncheon””Seniors, you”ll enjoy a special treat on Wednesday! Steve White, senior minister with Plainfield (Indiana) Christian Church, will be the keynote speaker for this year”s luncheon, and Benji Maurer, worship minister from Christ”s Church at Mason (Ohio) and a talented singer and songwriter, will provide music.

Noon, Lunch and Learn Sessions””(See Thursday!)

2:00 p.m. Afternoon Seminars””From 2 to 3 p.m., seize the opportunity to learn from Craig Groeschel or Lisa Harper. Groeschel is the senior pastor of LifeChurch.tv, considered the largest church in America with locations in five states. He”s the author of several books, including his latest, Altar Ego: Becoming Who God Says You Are.

Harper was the director of Focus on the Family”s national women”s ministry and spent six years in local church leadership. She”s now a popular speaker with Women of Faith and the author of 10 books, including Stumbling into Grace: Confessions of a Sometimes Spiritually Clumsy Woman.

2:00 p.m. “It”s Time to Sing”””This popular event is returning this year, with music of decades past for anyone who wants to enjoy favorite hymns and gospel songs. Murray Hollis will lead this ticketed event, which also includes light refreshments.

3:30 p.m. Workshops””(see Thursday!)

5:00 p.m. President”s Banquet””Get your ticket early. . . . You”ll want to hear Rick Warren and Craig Groeschel talk about “Leading the Local Church on Mission.”

7:00 p.m. Main Session””Ben Merold, retired minister of Harvester Christian Church, St. Charles, Missouri, will take the stage. Groeschel will join him and together they”ll challenge us to create a connecting culture in our churches.

8:30 p.m. Receptions””Wednesday is usually a big night for college alumni receptions and other gatherings. This year we”ll also enjoy a faith-based family movie night! Visit the NACC website for the complete list of special events.


Thursday, July 10: “Invest and Share”

7:30 a.m. Ministry Networking Breakfast””(see Wednesday!)

8:30 a.m. Bible Study””(see Wednesday!)

9:00 a.m. Exhibit Hall””The exhibit hall opens Tuesday afternoon; take time to check it out. Connect with hundreds of ministries from around the world, learn about missions your church supports, and explore the latest church resources.

10:00 a.m. Main Session””If you”ve read studies by the Barna Group over the last few years, you”ve probably benefited from the work of its president, David Kinnaman. In addition to his insights, this session will also include a panel discussion with some of our movement”s leaders in externally focused ministry.

Noon, Ladies” Luncheon””Instead of a speaker, this year the ladies will enjoy a style show! Nicole Krajewski is the clothing designer for byTavi, a nonprofit organization that teaches at-risk and impoverished Cambodian women how to sew handbags and clothes; she”ll narrate the show and share information about her ministry. An artist will paint a scene from Cambodia while the women enjoy lunch. Like the Seniors” Luncheon and the President”s Banquet, this is a very popular special event and likely to sell out””get your tickets early!

Noon, Lunch and Learn””Another special lunchtime option: At the Children”s Ministry lunch, you”ll enjoy a learning experience with like-minded leaders; the Disability Ministry lunch will feature presenters who will share practical tactics and helpful information. Both lunch sessions are ticketed events and are offered both Wednesday and Thursday.

2:00 p.m. Afternoon Seminar””Don”t miss this session with popular Christian comedian Tim Hawkins, who shares genuinely funny stuff that”s also appropriate for the entire family, including original songs on the guitar he taught himself to play. With more than 100 million views on YouTube and 120-plus sold-out shows each year, Hawkins is in demand. We”re excited to have him with us!

3:30 p.m. Workshops””Workshop tracks on both Wednesday and Thursday include Leadership, Finance & Stewardship, Worship Arts, Women”s Ministry, Celebrating Aging, Preaching & Communication, Theology & Apologetics, Family Ministry, Worship Arts, Restoration Movement, and Technology Toolbox. Watch the NACC website for a complete list of this year”s workshops, including speakers and full descriptions.

7:00 p.m. Main Session””Cal Jernigan, senior pastor with Central Christian Church, Mesa, Arizona, will be our main speaker tonight, and Brian “Head” Welch, guitarist of the metal band Korn, will also be joining us.

8:30 p.m. More special events!””College alumni receptions and other events continue tonight; the NACC website will have the complete list!


Friday, July 11: “Go”

7:30 a.m. Ministers” Wives” Breakfast””Four women, each from a different-size church, will speak for a few minutes on the challenges and blessings of being the pastor”s wife. Julie Black, from Clayton, Indiana, will share on the small church; Pam Carter, Bella Vista, Arkansas, on the medium; Kim Hamlin, Shelbyville, Kentucky, on the large; and Denise Harlow, Orland Park, Illinois, on the mega.

8:30 a.m. Bible Study””(see Wednesday!)

10:00 a.m. Main Session””We”ll close out our experience with a special service featuring Daryl Reed, lead minister with DC Regional Christian Church, and Lee Strobel, best-selling author of several books including The Case for Christ, The Case for Faith, and The Case for a Creator. At the end of the service, we”ll be challenged with a new commitment to reaching the lost, and several leaders, including Bob Russell, Ben Merold, and Dick Alexander, along with Bible college graduates from across the country, will “commission us to Re:Mission.”

Jennifer Johnson, one of CHRISTIAN STANDARD”s contributing editors, is a writer living in Levittown, Pennsylvania.


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