3 October, 2024

A Bible for Teachers: Introducing the ‘Standard Lesson Teacher’s Study Bible’


by | 14 May, 2014 | 0 comments

05_Eichenb_Bible_JNBy Jim Eichenberger

There are many study Bibles for individual and devotional use. But what about the special needs of a teacher or Bible study group leader? Standard Publishing has addressed that question by releasing the unique Standard Lesson Teacher”s Study Bible (SLTSB).

The SLTSB complements lesson materials by putting tools at the fingertips of teachers while they are leading lessons. Here are some features that do just that:


Enhanced Introductions

Bible book introductions abound to help the reader understand the book. But our introductions are designed to help the leader teach that book.

What to review””Some issues addressed in one book pervade the whole of Scripture. For example, to prepare to teach 1 Corinthians, we direct the teacher to portions of the Bible that tell how that church began, how polytheism often leads to immorality, and the nature and use of spiritual gifts””all key themes.

Practical questions””The Bible was written centuries ago yet addresses questions asked today. For example, the introduction to the letter from James shows how the book answers: How do we get a better class of people in our church? If salvation is about faith, why do my actions matter? Isn”t prayer just positive thinking?

Teaching through””To truly understand a portion of a Bible book, one needs to grasp the flow of the entire book in a way that is easily processed and remembered. The book of Esther deals with a lovely Hebrew captive who became the queen of Persia, faced a genocidal leader, and thwarted him at a banquet she held. Students can easily remember the outline: Beauty, Beast, Feast. These quick outlines can also suggest sermon or lesson series ideas.


Skill Builders for the Teacher

Volunteers are often called to teach without being trained to teach. The SLTSB provides on-the-job training for volunteer leaders.

Chronology helps””The Bible has a story arc. It is more than a collection of stories. The SLTSB contains tools to help the teacher understand where events occur in the flow of God”s plan. Bible books are listed chronologically as well as in the order they appear in Scripture. A time line gives dates to Bible events and also lists secular events occurring around the same time. A harmony of the Gospels shows how Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John fit together to record the life of Jesus.

Helpful articles””Every teacher, at some time or another, is asked how Christianity compares to other world religions or how we got our Bible. Articles are included that discuss these and other relevant questions. In addition, articles by outstanding Christian educators train volunteers how to handle classroom challenges and build their teaching skills.

Trustworthy commentary””Decade after decade, the Standard Lesson Commentary has been simply known by many teachers as “that Sunday school book.” The SLTSB has taken these insights of the finest Bible teachers and Christian educators of the past six decades and placed their wisdom in columns next to the Bible text. Also in those columns a teacher will find questions about the text useful for spurring discussion and deeper thinking.

Pronunciation guide””Teachers need no longer stumble when trying to read unfamiliar Bible names. This guide will help leaders pronounce names from Abimelech to Zerubbabel.

Whether one is preparing a class, preaching a sermon, leading family devotions, or explaining one”s faith to a neighbor over coffee, Bible teachers need a study Bible designed just for them. Thanks to the Standard Lesson Teacher”s Study Bible, that help is on the way!


Learn more about the Standard Lesson Teacher”s Study Bible.


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