By David Faust
(From our series “The Best or Worst Advice I’ve Ever Received.”)
Worst advice about choosing a career (from my high school guidance counselor in 1972): “Don”t go into ministry. You will waste your life.”
Best advice about choosing a career (from my Bible college professor, Charles A. Lee, in 1974): “Spend your life on things that matter. The worst curse in a job isn”t working for a difficult boss or being underpaid. The worst curse is meaninglessness.”
Best advice about marriage (from a magazine article I read shortly after getting married in 1975): “Don”t overanalyze your marriage. It”s like yanking up a fragile indoor plant every 20 minutes to see how its roots are growing.”
Best advice about ministry (from Ben Merold in 1983): “Be patient. Overnight success usually takes about 10 years.”
David Faust serves as associate minister with East 91st Street Christian Church.