16 July, 2024

Now You Can Read Christian Standard on Your Smartphone or Tablet!


by | 7 August, 2014 | 2 comments

CS_App_250_SRHave you downloaded the new Christian Standard app? It”s free for you today.

“¢ Be the first to see Christian Standard”s commentary, how-to help, and news, before it appears on the web or the printed magazine.

“¢ Enjoy content and graphics that appear only in the print magazine””some of the best material we publish!

“¢ Discover everything you can do with these digital editions””share content, clip and save articles forfuture reference, dig deep into articles and see related posts and

After you”ve explored all the possibilities in the free preview issue, subscribefor only $14.99 annually or $9.99 for six months””plus your first month is free!

Download your free app today from any of three sources (just click on the appropriate logo).





  1. T Pungsar

    Dear Mark.
    Christian standard is so helpful to me. I praise the Lord for this. TPungsar

  2. faith ola

    I thank God for this Christian Standard because it gives me strength for my spiritual journey.

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